Chapter 82

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Chris pov...

"Dad..." I hear a little voice waking me up... I look at the time and it is 3 at night... "Hey buddy why are you up..." I say pushing myself up right. "I had a nightmare..." He says on the verge of tears. "Can i sleep with you and mom?" He asks in a little voice and i smile. "Come here buddy..." I say and he smiles and crawls between me and Lana. "Dad?" He whispers after he had gotten comfortable... "Yes buddy?" I mumble with my eyes closed. 

"I am happy you are my dad now..." He whispers and i smile pulling him into me hugging him tight. "I am to buddy... I am to... Do you want to tell me about your nightmare?" I whisper. He stayed quiet for a bit and i thought he had fallen asleep... "My other dad came and took me away..." He whispered softly and i opened my eyes looking at his sad face and he had this scared look in his eyes. "That is not happening buddy... Because one i won't let him... and two he is in prison, and he is never getting out... Ever... You are safe with me and mommy..." I whisper. "You promise?" He whispers and i smile. "I promise..." I say and hug him a little tighter. 

I waited until he was asleep and let out a sigh. I hated that he had these nightmares. I hated that other than comfort him there was nothing i could do anymore... After Lana got that call from prison from his dad i did some checking... He was never getting out... Life in prison without the possibility of parole... His rights to Oscar had been taken away by a judge...

"Why is Oscar sleeping between us?" I heard Lana whispers and i sighed. "He had a nightmare..." I whisper back and she looks worried, and she runs her hand through his hair... "What about?" She whispers and i sigh.  "That Kyle came and took him away from us... He didn't tell me much more... I told him he was safe with us and that i would never let that happen... That Kyle is in prison and never coming out..." I said and she smiled but the smile didn't reach her eyes... "Sometimes i wish i could read his mind... Maybe today was all too much..." She whispered and i took her hand lacing her fingers with mine... "It will be alright sweetheart..." I whisper and she smiles again but her eyes still look worried.

But leave it to Oscar to break the tension as he moves and kicks my in his sleep. Lana slaps her hand in front of her mouth to stop her from laughing... "Are you okay?" She squeaks... and i groan... "Good thing i am adopting him... Cause i dont think there will be any more kids in my future..." I say trying to breathe through the pain. 

"Sorry babe..." She whispers and i grin at her... She leans over Oscar and gives me a kiss before pulling him towards her smiling at me... "I think you are safe now..." She whispers and i chuckle.

I wake up in the morning and the bed is empty both Oscar and Lana are nowhere to be seen... I get up and walk out of the bedroom and smile as i hear music coming from the kitchen. I smile as Lana and Oscar are dancing around while Lana is making breakfast. "Hey dad..." Oscar squeals running up to me and i lift him up. "Good morning, buddy how did you sleep?" I ask him and Lana giggles and i smirk at her. "Good... How did you sleep?" Oscar asks and Lana snorts... 

"I slept amazingly buddy..." I said putting him down again. I walked over to Lana and kissed her. "You are in so much trouble..." I whisper in her ear smirking. "Oscar, can you go shower and get dressed..." Lana says and while squealing "Okay." He runs out of the kitchen to his bedroom. 

I grin and pull her in my arms kissing her passionately... "We need some time just the two of us..." I murmur into the kiss, and she smirks. "Are you trying to get out of your parental responsibility's already..." She jokes and i chuckle... "I just want to fulfill my future husband duty's..." I say smirking and she giggles... 

I kiss her again and she deepens the kiss and i groan as her hands roam my body... "Fuck... Do you know how much i want you right now..." I growl and she lets out a little moan... "Maybe we could ask your mom or Carly to take Oscar for a night or two... You know to properly celebrate our engagement..." She whispers and i smile... "Next weekend we have some time together just the two of us..." I say and she smiles letting out a sigh. "That sounds good..." She says smiling and i groan as she kisses me again her hands going under my shirt her nails lightly scraping over my skin... "But this weekend it is going to be just the 3 of us having a little celebration... So, i was thinking i take you and Oscar out for dinner tonight... But first..." I say getting the adoption papers out of the drawer together with a pen... But she stops me... "Please wait until Oscar is out of the shower so he can see it to..." She whispers and i smile nodding... 

"I'll go check on him to see he is not flooding the house..." Lana says smiling and walks off and i sigh reading the papers over with a smile on my face... This is not how i ever imagined becoming a dad for the first time, but it feels amazing... Maybe it is even more special because this kid chooses me to be his dad... His mom chooses me to be his dad... She trusts me enough to be his dad...

I smile when about 15 minutes later Lana and Oscar come walking in... "Can we eat breakfast now..." Oscar says and i chuckle. "In a minute... Come here for a second..." I say and i lift Oscar on the counter. "When i sign these papers... I am officially your dad... So, what do you say..." I say smiling and Oscar smiles back at me. "Do it..." He yells and i laugh and put my signature on the line... I hug Oscar and when i look up Lana is filming and i smile at the camera...

Lana puts the phone away and hugs me and i kiss her. "You do know we have to submit them to the court still, right?" She says and i nod... "I know... But my signature is under them so as off now it is official..." I whisper back and she smiles hugging me a bit tighter.... 

"Moooom can we eat now... I am hungry..." Oscar whines and i chuckle releasing Lana and lifting Oscar off the counter and we go sit down to eat...

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