Chapter 193

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Lana pov...

All 4 of us are sitting in the doctor's office... Due to no one knowing that i am pregnant we brought the kids with us... Maeve is asleep in the stroller oblivious to what is going to happen today, but Oscar is excited to find out if he is having a baby brother or sister... So is Chris he is bouncing his leg up and down as we wait for the doctor and i look at him and smirk... 

They both are adorable all nervous and i smile as they have developed the same nervous ticks and mannerisms... They had the same mannerisms overall... He really was Chris his son... The doctor walks in and after a short conversation we move to the exam table and i lay down... Oscar asks a hundred questions and the doctor explains everything patiently... Oscar is allowed to help squirt the jelly on my stomach and he is all excited when our baby appears on the screen the heartbeat filling the room... "Wauw..." Oscar says and both Chris and i smile... Chris is holding my hand and kisses the back of it...

The doctor checks if everything is alright and then turns to Oscar... "Are you ready to find out if it is a boy or a girl?" He asks Oscar and he nods... "Well buddy.... You are getting another sister..." He says and i gasp and Chris smiles kissing my hand again with tears in his eyes smiling from ear to ear... "Another girl..." I whisper and Oscar jumps up and down all excited... "A sister...!" He says putting his arms up in the air celebrating and we all chuckle at his reaction...

After we left the office, we go to get lunch at the diner we love... Of course, Oscar orders pancakes... I try to push the thought of driving past this place thinking i would never see it again away... I get a little emotional and when Chris asks what is wrong i whisper i will tell him later and he nods... We have been talking a lot and he has truly been my rock listening just listening... He talked about what happened to him and about the guilt he felt for me having to come and save him... But i told him to stop that... I would walk through fire for him... I love Chris more than life itself and i would do it all again to save him i didn't regret one thing i did to get him to safety... 

Sometimes it was hard to talk about but i knew in order to process it i needed to get it out and i didn't want to talk to a therapist... Chris had been so sweet holding me when i cried about my mother telling him they killed her... My dad may not have done it physically himself but to me he was just as guilty... One night Chris had come to bed with the laptop, and we had looked online for an urn together to give her a place in our home... 

After lunch we went home... This was the first time i had been out other than a check up and it was relaxing and yet a little nerve racking... I had put on something hiding my belly as i didn't want anyone to know... We were enjoying our little secret to much... Question was how long we could keep it from the family... Chris and i had entertained the idea to not tell anyone until our baby was born surprising them by showing up with the new addition... But were we going to be able to do that... The family had been amazingly understanding for our need to have some alone time with our little family, but it has been 9 weeks now and i knew that the family was starting to get antsy... 

We came home and Oscar disappeared into his bedroom to play, and we put Maeve in the play pen... She had started walking and Dodger was so confused at the little girl now stumbling around... He accidently pushed her over a few times, and she had giggled and pulled herself up again... She got faster and more stable and i knew we were in trouble because she was going to be a runner... She was early in my eyes just 9 months and stumbling around... Oscar was older when he started walking... He was just shy from 1 year when he took his first steps...

Chris was now trying to teach her to say dada... He was obsessed by her first word being dada... It was beautiful to see him play with her... I fell in love with him even more... What he didn't know that i was practicing with her to when he wasn't looking... Trying to get her to say mama... 

I smile and get comfortable on the couch and Chris smirks laying down next to me wrapping me in his arms... "Another girl..." He says smirking and i nod running my hands through his hair... He lifts my shirt and i giggle as he kisses my belly... "Hello my sweet girl... I am you dad... Can't wait to meet you..." He whispers and i smile as i keep running my hand through his hair while he talks telling her all about our life... About her big brother Oscar and her sister Maeve... 

 Oscar comes walking in... "What are you doing?" He asks Chris and Chris smiles... I am talking to the baby..." He says and Oscar looks at him weird... "Come here..." Chris says sitting up pulling him in his lap... "We could read her a story together... You know do the voices and all..." Chris says and Oscar nods all excited... "Okay i am going to get Maeve so she can listen to, and you go pick a book..." Chris says, and Oscar jumps off his lap running to the bookcase... He comes back with a book and i sit up Oscar and Chris on one side Maeve on the other snuggled into me as she was getting tired from playing... She loves story time... Especially when Chris and Oscar did it together... 

I just smile watching my little family and i let out a deep sigh... This is what i fought for... This happy feeling complete bliss and love just a lot of love...

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