Chapter 118

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Lana pov...

We are now 6 weeks after our honeymoon... Chris is overseas filming for 2 weeks and is now 1 week in... We celebrated our 1-year anniversary of the day we started our relations ship... Chris and i both went trick or treating with Oscar in matching costumes... and 1 week later Chris needed to be in France for a movie... Every time he called home via zoom call Oscar giggled at him because for this role, he was having a mustache and apparently this was the funniest thing ever according to Oscar...

Part of me hated it and part of me loved it... It was like he was a totally different person... He was still my Chris, but he didn't look like my Chris... He looked like his dangerous twin brother and i found it... exciting... 

Days were going by... I kept myself busy with Oscar and work... But today was different... I woke up feeling sick... I managed to get Oscar to school and had been throwing up all morning... Realization sunk in that i might be pregnant so here i was sitting on the edge of the bed waiting for the timer to go off to see if the test said pregnant or not... I was anxious and praying i was pregnant... 

The timer went off and i walked into the bathroom and looked at the test... I squealed and did a happy dance... I am pregnant... I am really pregnant... I sat down on the edge of the tub looking shocked at the word pregnant in the screen... I started to chuckle as i probably had gotten pregnant on our honeymoon... or at least right after because every chance Chris got, he would be all over me... 

The day Chris had left i had even joked that my pussy could get some rest for 2 weeks... He had groaned and right before he had left bend me over the bed and fucked me senseless... I wondered how far i was along so i called my doctor and made an appointment for tomorrow while Oscar was at school... 

I picked up Oscar from school and it took everything in me to not tell Chris when he called in the evening... I kept myself on the background letting him talk with Oscar to not be tempted... I wanted to surprise him when he came home... But it was torture... The next day after i went to the doctor and it was official... I was pregnant... about 8 weeks... I chuckled on my way home thinking that our baby probably was conceived on our wedding day in a maintenance closet... Or the morning after our wedding... 

I came home and sat on the couch staring at the ultrasound photo's... Our baby... The doctor assured me everything looked good but knowing i had lost a baby he said we would do regular checkups...  Even though he didn't think it would be really necessary seeing as the circumstances then were totally different... But he understood that for my state of mind it would be smart thinking...

"Pregnant... I am pregnant... We are going to have a baby..." I murmur to myself and do my little happy dance... The next few days go by slow... Or maybe i am just imagining it because it is hell not telling Chris... Every night i let him talk with Oscar and keep my part of the conversations short and mostly keep to texting so i dont give anything away...

Tomorrow Chris is coming home and i am all excited... I had put a box together i was going to give him to surprise him... I put Oscar to bed and turn in early eager for it to be tomorrow... A few hours later i wake up from movement in the bed and for a moment i think Oscar had crawled into bed with me... But i soon wake up more when i feel two arms wrap around me and pull me closer and a familiar sent surrounds me... I quickly turn around and look in the grinning face of Chris... 

"Honey i am home..." He whispers smiling and without saying a word i kiss him passionately followed by a giggle... "The mustache tickles..." I whisper and he chuckles...  "The mustache tickles but the beard does not...?" He asks and i nod... I kiss him again and smile into the kiss... "I wasn't expecting you just yet..." I murmur into the kiss, and he smiles... "Took an earlier flight home..." He murmurs and kisses me again... He kisses me over and over and i let out a little moan and he grins into the kiss... "God i missed you sweetheart..." He says as he holds me tight and takes a deep breath...

"I missed you too..." I whisper and debate to tell him now or wait for the morning... I look at him and realize that having him here close to me i can't keep up the facade... I grab his face and kiss him again passionately before wiggling my way out of bed telling him i have to pee... "Really you have to pee... I want to cuddle..." He whines and i giggle walking to the bathroom...

Chris is sitting up in bed when i come out of the bathroom... "I'll be right back..." I say and i see the confused look on Chris his face before i walk to my office to get the box... I feel all giddy when i grab the box and walk back to the bedroom... "So, i did something..." I say walking in the bedroom, and he looks at me utterly confused... "I got you a gift..." I whisper and hold out the box for him to take... I pull out my phone and film him... "Why? You didn't have to buy me anything sweetheart..." He says looking at me and i giggle... "Just open it..." I say all excited. 

He opens the box and removes the paper on top of the content of the box...

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