Chapter 17

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Lana pov...

While Chris is eating breakfast i pack some stuff for Oscar for at Chris his place. I pack some of his favorite toys... Some clothes and of course his octopus costume... I then pack some clothes for myself my drawing tablet and my laptop so if i wanted to i could do some work... I hadn't got much done lately because Chris proofed to be quite the distraction... 

I walk into the kitchen and to my surprise Chris is cleaning up. "What is all this?" Chris says smiling pointing at the 2 bags.  I hold up the small bag. "This is my stuff... And this is Oscar's stuff..." I say blushing holding up the other bag... "Is Oscar moving in..." Chris says laughing and the blood drains from my face. "What no... of course not i can put some of his toys back..." I stammer and start to walk back to Oscars room. 

All of a sudden i feel Chris pull on my arm and he smiles warmly at me taking Oscars bag out of my hand. He puts it down and pulls me into his arms... "I was joking sweetheart... Take whatever you like... I want You and Oscar to feel comfortable in my home... Plus dont want the little guy to be bored..." Chris said smiling and i blushed. "Okay..." I said and Chris smiled and kissed me... 

An hour later we loaded the dogs and bags in the car and Chris drove us to his place. Chris put my stuff in his bedroom and i put Oscar's stuff in the guestroom... I walk into the kitchen and Chris is looking in the fridge mumbling something. I smile and wrap my arms around his waist and hug him from behind... 

"Having a nice conversation with the fridge?" I ask smirking planting a kiss on his back and Chris chuckles. He turns around in my arms and i smile up at him as he wraps his arms around me holding me close. "Yeah, my fridge says it is hungry..." He says smirking and i look at him confused and it makes him laugh.

He turns us so i can look in the fridge and i chuckle... "Water... and beer... O and see a lonely jar of... Whatever it once was..." I say pulling a face of disgust... Chris blushes and i laugh... I step out of his grip and pat his chest... "Let's go...Boyfriend..." I say smirking and i snatch his keys from the counter. Chris chuckles and shakes his head following me out. 

He tries to snatch the keys back unsuccessfully... And i quickly put them behind my back as he gently pushes me against his car smirking... "You are not driving... Girlfriend..." He says grinning while he leans in and hovers his lips over mine. I smile up at him surprised that the fact that he has me caged against the car does not scare me... I just look up at him in his beautiful blue eyes and smirk... 

"But i got the keys..." I whisper... "Yes, but when i do this..." Chris whispers and kisses me softly and i smile into the kiss as i feel his hand glide behind my back and take the keys gently out of my hand and puts it into his pocket... "When i do that... I can get the keys... easily...." He whispers with the biggest grin on his face... "Or maybe i just let you... because i wanted a kiss" I say grinning back. 

"All you have to do is ask... sweetheart..." Chris whispers and i chuckle. "Where is the fun in that..." I whisper and give him another peck on the lips before gently pushing him back and smirking as i hold up the keys of his car. 

"What...? How?" He says looking at me shocked. I just smirk and open the car door and get behind the wheel while Chris still stares at me in shock... I open the window of the car a little bit and giggle "Are you going to get in or are you starting a new career as a living statue...?"  I say now really laughing...

Chris chuckles and walks around the car and gets in. "Unbelievable... i always drive my own car... I never let anyone drive my own car..." He mutters and i chuckle and start the car.  "There is a first time for everything..." I say in a sugary sweet tone... 

I drive us to the supermarket and when i park the car i look at him smiling. "See save and sound not a scratch..." I say smirking and Chris chuckles. 

We get out the car and Chris gets a shopping cart. We walk through the supermarket and i chuckle as Chris has no shopping system at all and just randomly throws stuff in the cart.  Mostly snacks and junk food. "You dont go grocery shopping often... Do you?" I say smiling and he blushes... "I mostly eat at ma's or order food... My shopping is mostly water and drinks... Snacks..." Chris says... 

"I noticed..." I say smirking looking in the cart. "It is not that i never have food in the house... It's just... Well i dont like eating alone or cook for myself..." He whispers and i smile taking his hand. "Well, you are welcome to eat with me and Oscar anytime..." I say smiling and he smiles back before kissing me. "Be careful what you wish for... I might take you up on that..." He murmurs in the kiss...

We finish our shopping and go back to the car and i throw Chris the keys.... We load the groceries int he car and after we got into the car we drive back to his place. We take the shopping in the house and put everything away. "How long of a drive is it from here to Oscars school?" I ask as i check the time on my phone. "About 20 minutes or so..." Chris answers and i smirk... "Well in that case... We still have some time to kill..." I whisper putting my arms around his neck and pulling him in for a kiss. 

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