Chapter 22

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Lana pov...

I look on as Chris is helping the kid's carving pumpkins. They all have the biggest smiles on their faces and are laughing as Chris is being silly... "Chris is still a big kid at heart sometimes..." Carly says chuckling as she sits down beside me. I chuckle to and nod... "He has bought Oscar this big marble race kit and they played for hours together yesterday and i dont know who was having a better time... Chris or Oscar..." I said smiling. 

Carly chuckled. "Yeah, that sounds like Chris... He loves kids..." She says smiling. "Ma told me a bit about your relationship with Oscar's dad..." Carly said and i sighed. Of course, it would be talked about in the family... They were all so close and i had the idea that they do not have secrets from each other...

"Yeah... He has no say over Oscar anymore... The courts have taken away all his rights..." I said so that she knew he was no longer in the picture... Somehow i felt if i was sitting in the hotseat and i was being interviewed for a spot in the family... "From what i heard that is a good thing..." Carly said smiling at me sympathetically. I nod and sigh... "Yes... The man was... well horrible... to say the least..." I say letting out a sigh again. Carly takes my hand and smiles at me. "Well, you should be proud that got away from him... and i am so sorry you had to go through that..." She says and i look at her surprised as i did not see that coming...

"Thank you..." I said softly as i didn't know what else to say. "If you ever need to talk... just us girls... give me a call or text... Even if it is to complain about my idiot brother..." She said grinning and handed me her phone to put my number in. I blushed feeling absolutely horrible thinking she was interrogating me. She just wanted to be friendly and to get to know me. 

While Carly and i got to know each other better the kids were having an absolute blast as Chris kept them entertained. It was nice having another woman to talk to let alone a mother... Carly and i made dinner and when Chris and the kids were done with their pumpkins, they showed them to us proudly... I just smiled as i thought they were the most beautiful pumpkins i had ever seen. Chris went to put the pumpkins of him and Oscar outside with the rest of the Halloween decorations and put the pumpkins of Carly's kids in her car. 

"Can i ask you something?" I said to Carly as Chris and the kids were outside. "Of course..." She said smiling. "Does Chris spoil your kids rotten to?" I ask and she laughs. "Yes... We had to put a stop to it... Why is he spoiling Oscar?" She says and i nod. 

"Yes... i asked him to not overdo it... I swear if i had let him he would have bought Oscar the donkey..." I say rolling my eyes and Carly laughs hard... "But it is good to know that he does it not only with Oscar... I know it is bad but for a moment i thought he wanted to buy his affection... God that is a horrible thing to say..." I say letting out a sigh. 

"I get it... you dont want Oscar to think that everything in live is coms easily... and have them bond without it always being about things and gifts..." Carly said and i nodded... Chris came walking back in and kissed my cheek. "I am going to walk the dogs with the kids..." He said looking at us both with a big smile on his face and both Carly and i nodded. Chris kissed me again before he went back to the kids and dogs. 

Carly and i smiled as we saw Carly's kids running down the driveway with the dogs Chris in tow Oscar holding his hand. "It is safe to say they like each other..." Carly said and i just smiled as my heart skipped a beat. "Ma does to... She was so impressed with his manners and how sweet and kind Oscar was..." Carly says and i blush. "Yeah, just like this meeting that meeting was not planned either..." I say blushing... "But you are all so kind and sweet... I can see were Chris gets it from..." I say smiling and Carly chuckled... "Oh just wait for family game night... Then we turn into a competitive bunch..." Carly says and i chuckle. "I think Oscar and i can handle that... We are competitive to..."  I say smirking.

"That is good to hear... Because we are having one next week at my place and i want Chris to bring you and Oscar..." She says smiling. "If Chris is okay with that... then it sounds good to me..." I say smiling. "O sweetheart... I know my brother... and i can see it in everything that he is totally over the moon with you and Oscar... So there is no way he is leaving you at home..."  Carly says and i blush. "Well, the feeling is mutual..." I whisper and Carly takes me by surprise hugging me. 

While cooking Carly and i talk about everything and nothing. We talk about my books, and she is telling me how her kids love them and i show her the sketches for the new one. 

Carly's husband Ryan shows up just walking in and i start to see that walking in without ringing a bell is a common thing in this family... Not much later Chris comes back with the kids and Carly and i tell them to wash up because dinner is almost ready... 

The kids and Chris and Ryan set the table and we sit down for dinner. I can't help but smile at the chaos and laughter... It is nice but not being used to it, it also a bit draining... But the fact that Oscar is absolutely loving it makes it worth it.  Besides if Chris and i are really serious... It is going to be something i have to get used to...

After dessert and clean up Carly and her family left. I smiled walking into the living room as Oscar was half asleep on the couch it had been a busy day and he was fighting his sleep. "I am going to take Oscar to bed..." I said and Chris smiled at the little boy leaning into him. I picked him up and walked him to the guestroom... I helped him in his pjs, and he brushed his teeth barely awake. 

I smiled tucking him in. "Did you have fun today sweetheart?" I asked and with his last bit of energy he smiled and nodded his head. "Good..." I said giving him a kiss on his little head and he was already out like a light... I smiled as the dogs crawled on the bed with him and i left the room. I walked to the living room where Chris was sitting on the couch his eyes closed but a smile on his face. 

I cuddled into him and chuckled. "Are you tired old man?" I whispered and Chris chuckled opening his eyes. I squealed when he lifted me up and pulled me down with him kissing me passionately. "Be careful sweetheart or this old man has to show you that he still got it..." He said smirking. I smirked and chuckled... "Got what...?" I said smirking...

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