Chapter 135

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Lana pov...

Although it is recorder earlier Chris his appearance is going to be aired tonight. So i promised Oscar that he could watch it with me... I know it was bad but i would just keep him home tomorrow... We could have a snuggle day and just watch movies until Chris would be home... 

I had insisted they would stay overnight to scared that they would be tired driving back and get into an accident. I smiled at the little sleeping bundle next to me on the couch... He tried so hard to stay awake... But when i promised him i would wake him up he gave in... Now i just had to stay awake... 

The show started and when they went to commercials and told that Chris would be next i woke Oscar... "Dad is on next..." I said and he smiled with tired eyes and pushed himself up to annoyance from Dodger who he was cuddled up to... 

He cuddled into me and i smiled wrapping my arm around him... Jimmy came on announcing Chris and Oscar got all excited. "Look Dad...!" He squealed as Chris appeared and he greeted Jimmy while the crowd cheered. I chuckle when Jimmy says that Chris has been busy and names meeting me, adopting Oscar, marrying me and having a baby on the way since they have seen each other professionally because he was at our wedding of course. "They said my name..." Oscar said all excited and i chuckled.  

Oscar went even more crazy as Chris said hello at us through the camera... How was it possible for this man to make my blush even from a TV screen... Oscar was waving back as if Chris could see... 

They showed the pregnancy announcement and Chris had the biggest grin on his face, but my heart sank when he said he brought a little video... Oscar giggled and i was speechless when the video came up from when i told Chris i was pregnant... "Look the mustache..." Oscar said giggling and i chuckled... "Yes, i can see..." I said smirking.  I had tears in my eyes seeing the video and the crowd loved it... He didn't say a word when he called me earlier... It was a total surprise... 

The crowd seemed to love the video, but Jimmy focused on the mustache and i sighed... "Of course, the mustache..." I mumble but i take a deep breath and let it go... Chris had the best intentions and i loved the fact he wanted to share it. 

The talked about the movies and i smiled as Oscar was glued to the screen and i took a little video sending it to Chris... 

"Your number one fan..." I said under the video and pressed send. Not long after that i get a text back... 

"Did you like it?" The text said and i smiled the anxiety oozed off my phone screen... "I loved it Chris... It brought me to tears..." I send back and not a minute later i got a smiley face back... 

"Look uncle Scott!" Oscar squealed and i turned my attention back to the TV.  I laughed as he told everyone that he didn't have to entertain Chris anymore and continued how he and Oscar loved scaring Chris and Oscar squealed again because the mentioned him again... He continued saying that Chris was the main target now that i was pregnant and forbidden to scare... But closed with loving having Oscar and me in the family...

It was time for a game and i chuckled when Chris told them the time i found Scott in our gym dancing and singing to right said Fred... The look on his face when he turned around still etched in my brain... He guessed wrong saying he ripped his pants on the dancefloor at our wedding and i blushed because he mentioned me and Chris disappearing for a little while and i grinned rubbing my belly... I blushed even harder when Chris admitted that he was preoccupied with me...

Scott groaned as he was told Chris his answer saying he already had forgotten that and i laughed because he was lying... No way had he forgotten that...  Then it was Chris his turn and Oscar and i laughed as he danced along to the music... "Dad is being silly..." Oscar said and i agreed. "Yes, your dad is a silly man every now and then..." I said smirking. 

The next question was what the biggest surprised Chris was had arranged for Oscar and Oscar answered the same as Scott his birthday Chris, Seb and Mackie in their suits from Marvel... But that was not what Chris said and it was the Octopus thing... But he smiled hearing what the answer was saying he forgot because of the adoption thing...  I couldn't help but smile as Oscar had the biggest smile just like Chris, but Chris was having an emotional moment and i could see he was tearing up on the TV... 

I loved that he was not afraid to show emotions... That is maybe what i loved the most... I never had to guess what he was feeling... He would tell or it was noticeable... I never had to be afraid he would explode... 

Jimmy closed the show and i told Oscar to get ready for bed... I pushed myself up and walked him to his bedroom... I smelled the tank and i had to fight my nausea but i wanted to put my little boy to bed... We hadn't told him he was going to have a sister yet... To scared he would tell someone, and it would get out... 

When Oscar was ready for bed i read him, a story before saying he wasn't going to school and that we were going to have a snuggle day and he had the biggest smile... "When is dad coming home...?" He asks and i smile telling him tomorrow and he nods... "How is the baby..." He whispers and i smile... "Do you want to feel?" I ask him and he nods so i sit on the edge of the bed and he puts his hand on my belly smiling... It always freaked him out a bit as the baby kicked but he was also fascinated... 

I kissed him goodnight and walked to the back door to let the dogs out before i was going to bed... When they came back in i gave them a snack and they left to go sleep with Oscar... That was the only time Bob would not be with me... It had become such a routine that they slept with him every night that he kept doing it even though the rest of the day he was glued to me... 

I sighed and decided to go to bed... I was tired and just wanted to sleep... It took a while but i finally drifted to sleep... I woke up by the pillow being pulled away from me and replaced with a warm body... I woke up a bit but relaxed when i recognized it was Chris... "What are you doing here... You should be home tomorrow..." I murmur and he chuckles... "Couldn't sleep without you... So came home..." He mumbles back and i smile cuddle into him more and soon i am asleep again...

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