Chapter 194

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Lana pov...

We pulled it off... We really pulled it off... Everything had fallen right into place... Chris had just gotten home from taking Oscar to school when my water broke... I dont know how we did it, but no one knew i was pregnant and now she was here... Our little girl Clover Winnie Evans... Winnie after my mother... Officially my mother's name was Winifred, but Chris had agreed to name her after her if we could shorten it to Winnie which i agreed on... 

Chris had visited family with Oscar and Maeve while i stayed home during my pregnancy... Chris saying i was working... There were complaints as they wanted to see me to, but Chris said i had thrown myself into my book and i talked with them on the phone and texted...

I was sitting in the bed with Clover in my arms... Chris had gone to pick up Maeve at Carly's... We had said we had a checkup for me in the hospital... He then would go to pick up Oscar from school... Today we would have a day to ourselves and tomorrow Chris would invite the family over and we would surprise them...

"Go and see what the surprise is..." I heard Chris say to Oscar at the other side of the door... The door slowly opened, and Oscar squealed running over to the bed... "She is here...!" He said crawling on the bed sitting next to me looking at the little girl in my arms... 

"Meet your sister... Clover Winnie Evans..." I said smiling and Oscar smiled back... "Clover..." He whispered and i nodded... Chris sat down next to me with Maeve in his arms... "What do you think Maeve?" He asked and she just looked horrified at the little girl and buried her head in Chris... "She is tired..." I whisper and he nodded... "I am going to put her down for a nap..." He said kissing the top of my head and left the room... "So what do you think?" I ask Oscar who is just staring at his little sister who has her little hand wrapped around his finger... "She is so sweet..." He says and i smile running my free hand through his hair and kissing the top of his head...

"You are such a good big brother... I am so proud of you..." I whisper and he looks up at me and smiles... Chris comes back after a while and lays down beside us and i smile as he pulls Oscar close cuddling him as they both watch me and Clover... A little later as she is waking up a bit Oscar holds her, and it is the sweetest thing and Chris takes a lot of pictures... 

After we had put Clover down for a nap Oscar goes to his room to do homework and Chris calls the family inviting them over for a surprise tomorrow... "They are all so confused..." Chris says grinning and i chuckle... "I want to bet they expect a pregnancy announcement..." I say grinning and Chris chuckles laying down beside me again and i cuddle into him closing my eyes drifting off to sleep... 

When i wake up Chris is no longer in bed and i listen and hear them in the kitchen... I drag myself out of bed and walk to the kitchen following the smell of food... Oscar is sitting at the counter and Chris is opening some bags... "Anything for me in there...?" I ask and Chris looks up... "You shouldn't be up sweetheart..." He says rushing over to me and i shake my head... 

I sit down at the table and Chris sighs shaking his head at my stubbornness... He walks back and makes me a plate of food and when he puts it in front of me i dig in absolutely famished... "You got to chew sweetheart..." Chris says grinning and i smirk back at him with a mouth full of food... "EW!" Oscar yells and Chris and i both laugh... 

After i have eaten Chris insists i go lie down again so i do and we watch movies with Oscar and Maeve in bed... I dont even finish the movie before i fall asleep again... When i wake up to the baby crying i get up and Oscar and Maeve are in their own beds... I get Clover and sit down in the chair to feed her and i smile as she latches on... 

After burping and changing her diaper i put her back in the crib and walk back to the bedroom where Chris is still asleep... I chuckle... He had been running around all day and was exhausted... He didn't want to hear it, but he was slowly going gray... I love it... He hates it... He kept saying he was old and i always rolled my eyes at that... 

I went back to sleep and a few hours later Chris woke me up in a panic with Clover in his arms... "Sorry sweetheart but it has been way to long... She must be hungry..." He says and i chuckle... "Yes, she needs to eat again... But i fed her a few hours ago so dont worry..." I said winking at him, and he was stunned... "But..." He said and i chuckled... "You slept like a baby right through her crying..." I said smirking and he turned bright red... "I am so sorry..." He mumbled and i shook my head running my hand through his hair playing with the little gray in it smiling. "It is okay... You needed your sleep... You have been running around all day doing everything..." I whisper and he sighs and i pull him closer on his shirt and kiss him... "I love you... You know..." I whisper and he smiles... "I love you to..." He whispers and i smile back at him... 

I look down at our little girl and smile... "I swear she is like a copy of you... The eyes... It is all in the eyes... Beautiful just like her dads... The same blue as you and Maeve..." I whisper and Chris grins... 

After i am done feeding Chris burps her and he sits down beside me with her for a while before bringing her back to the crib and i fall asleep quickly barely noticing him coming back to bed and pull me in his arms...

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