Chapter 2

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Lana pov

Oscar time for school i yell. Oscar comes running with his little backpack. "Mamma can i take Bob with me to school today?" He asks me pouting... "No sweetie dogs are not allowed on school..." I said smiling. He looked at me sad. "But he can come with us to take you to school, okay?" I said and that changed his mood instantly.  "Okay!" He says smiling. "Now go put on your coat and then we can go dont want you to be late..." I said chuckling as Oscar ran around like crazy to get ready.

After i have dropped of Oscar at school i run some errands. I decide to go get myself a cup of coffee and something to eat and walk into this little coffee shop.  I place my order and look at my phone reading some emails from my publisher. "Well... If it isn't Bob and...." I hear a voice say and I look up in the beautiful blue eyes of Chris Evans. 

I groan internally as i had just pushed him out of my mind after our first meeting almost a week ago. "Mr. Evans..." I say giving him a small smile. "Please call me Chris..." He says shaking his head. "Mr. Evans makes me feel old..." He continues and I chuckle... 

"Order for Lana...!" The barista calls out. I see Chris smirking and i go to get my order. "Would you like to sit with me...?" Chris asks when i come back. "Uhm i have allot to do..." I say as i start to blush. "Oh, come on you have to eat that..." He says pointing to my donut. 

"Okay..." I say nodding and follow him to a table. He sits down and i sit opposite of him, Bob sits down next to me. "Aren't you going to order anything?" I ask him. "Dont want to waist the little time i have with you..." He says grinning at me. I chuckle and shake my head. "Go order I'll wait..." I say and he nods and goes to order. When he comes back, he sits down. "So... Lana..." He says smirking. I blush as the way he says my name sends tingles trough my body. 

"How do you like Boston?" He asks me before taking a sip of his coffee. I give him a small smile taking a sip of my own. "It's nice... But coming from a very small town it can be a bit daunting..." I confess... "But overall, we are loving it." I say blushing. 

"Oscar's dad loving it to?" Chris asks and I froze at the mention of the man who made my life hell. The only good thing ever to come out of my relationship with that man was Oscar... "He is not in the picture..." Was all i said. 

Chris looked at me for a moment and for a moment i was scared he could read my mind. "Bad break up?" He asked and i sighed. "Do you really want to know about Oscar's father?" I asked feeling myself getting a little annoyed. He was still a sore subject.  

"I am sorry... I didn't mean to overstep." Chris said looking at me all guilty... but with a hint of worry making me feel like a jackass for snapping... "It's fine..." I said letting out a sigh. "It is still a sore subject..." I said trying to explain without giving to much away... "Okay..." He said giving me a small smile. 

"So what do you do for work?" He asked and I smiled. "I am a writer..." I said. His face lit up. "What do you write?" He asks. "Children's books..." I said and his smile got even bigger. "Anything i might know?" He said and he looked as he was getting all excited. "That depends... do you know the "Dana the dog" series?" I asked blushing. He looked at me in surprise. "Those where one the favorites of my niece and nephews." He said with a twinkle in his eyes. I gave him a small smile. "Wauw that is amazing..." He said looking at me with a big smile. 

I looked at my phone. "I really should go... I have some other things to do before picking up Oscar from school..." I said and I stood up. For a moment i thought i could see sadness in his eyes. "It was nice talking to you..." I said not knowing what else to say. "Yeah, you to..." He said putting his hands in his pockets looking nervously at me as he had also stood up. 

"Could i maybe get your number and maybe... i dont know... Take you out for a coffee or something sometimes..." I looked at him in shock.... "Look you're really nice and all... But i am not ready to date and..." I said but he cut me off. "It doesn't have to be a date... Your new in town and i thought well maybe a friendly cup of coffee every now and then.... I could even give you a tour... show you and Oscar around. Maybe introduce you to some other people seeing you are new to town...." He said blushing and i had to say he was hard to resist...  

He was cute i had to give him that and persistent without being creepy or pushy... I hesitated but handed my phone to him. He put his number in and dialing himself, so he had my number. "You do know Oscar is going to be just as hyper if he ever sees you again as he was the last time..." I said wanting him to know that we were a package deal... 

Chris laughed. "That is okay that won't last... Trust me. Besides he is a sweet kid. You're doing a good job raising him..." He said smiling at me. I blushed at this compliment. "Okay... I really have to go now..." I whispered. "Can i give you a hug?" Chris asked carefully. 

I looked at him for a moment. What was the harm in hugging him right i mean he was not Kyle right? "Yeah sure..." I said and he engulfed me in his big strong arms his sent filling my nose and God did he smell good... It took everything in me to not let out a soft moan as i felt surprisingly comfortable and safe in his embrace. When we released each other i walked out with Bob and to my car not looking back to afraid to. God this was going to be harder than i thought. No Lana you can do this i scolded myself just friends nothing more.... 

Chris pov.

I smile as i watch Lana and Bob walk out of the cafe. I internally high five myself for finding out her name and getting her number... Even though it's not for a date but just to spend time and get to know each other. I can understand with a kid its must be hard to date and let new people in... So being friends is fine... I take what i can get... The thing that keeps playing through my mind though is how she reacted when i asked about Oscar's dad...

Not only sadness flashed through her eyes but pain and a little bit of fear... I tried to manage my expectations that she might not ever want to date me but when i hugged her i could have sworn she let out a little sigh or moan and that send tingles all through my body sending my mind into overdrive. I watched her drive off and walked to my own car to go and pick Dodger up.

I come back home with Dodger and walk immediately to my bookcases grabbing one of the Dana the dog books and smile as i see her name on it... Author and illustrations by Lana Cooper... Not only did she write these... She did the illustrations as well... I was amazed... 

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