Chapter 25

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Lana pov...

I am taking Oscar to school this morning walking him into class in his pirate costume i had put together for the school day. He looked adorable. I kissed him goodbye and went to my own place to pick up some more stuff as Chris had asked Oscar and i to stay a little longer... I had planned on going back tomorrow but i dont know why i just felt at ease at his place... I packed some more clothes and for myself and Oscar and some clothes and stuff i would need for myself before going back to Chris his place. As i drove along i thought about yesterday... Oscar's questions... Chris his promises

I pulled into the driveway and Chris was waiting for me outside. He looked nervous... which made me nervous... As soon as i parked the car he walked up to the door and opened it smiling nervously at me. "Chris... What is going on... you are freaking me out with your nervous energy..." I whisper and he smiled. "Nothing to be nervous about sweetheart... I have a little surprise for you..." He said blushing. 

"You better not have bought a donkey..." I said looking at him with a raised eyebrow. Chris laughed... "I said surprise for you... So, no... No donkey..."  He took my hand and walked me to the front door. He stopped me not entering the house... "So... We never really had a date... it all just started without the whole wooing stage..." He said smiling shyly and i smiled back putting my hand on his face... "Dont say that... You did woo me... Just not in the conventional way... Yours was even better..." I said smiling. 

"Sweetheart... I am trying to be romantic here..." Chris said grinning and i chuckled motioning that i was shutting up and throwing away the key. "Do you trust me?" He said and i smiled. "Yesss... absolutely..." I said smiling and i meant it... I meant it with whole my heart... Maybe i was foolish or love really makes you blind but i trust him. 

He put a blindfold on me and led me through the house... He removed the blindfold and i was standing in the bedroom. There was a large box on the bed and i looked at Chris confused... "Go get changed and all dolled up... You find what you need in the box and when you are ready text me..." Chris said and i looked at him even more confused. "Okay..." I said and Chris gave me a sweet kiss before leaving the bedroom. 

I opened the box and a dress and high heels were staring back at me... I ran my fingers over the fabric and i smiled. I can't remember the last time i really got dolled up... But it being 9 o'clock in the morning it had me utterly confused. 

But i started to get ready... I did my hair and make-up and put on the dress and heels... I looked in the mirror and smiled. The dress was beautiful... not something i had picked out myself but i loved it... I felt sexy... I took my phone and texted Chris. 

There was a knock on the door. "Come in..." I said and Chris opened the door... He had changed himself and was wearing a black suit... Fuck he looked so handsome... 

"Wauw you look absolutely beautiful..." He said with the biggest smile on his face and i blushed. I gave him a little twirl and i hear him take in a sharp breath. When i face him again he walks over to me and smiles. "You look perfect..." He says kissing me and i smile into the kiss. "You look so handsome..." I whisper and he smirks. 

"Are you ready?" He asks and i nod. I feel nervous... Why am i nervous... He holds out his arm and i take it and he led me through the house... We make our way to the dining room and i am speechless. A fire is burning... Red roses everywhere and candles lit on a fully decked out table... 

"So, i thought instead of a dinner we could have a romantic breakfast together..." He whispers and take in a deep breath. "Oh Chris... It is perfect..." I say as the tears are coming... Nobody has ever done something like this for me before... I cup his face between my hand and kiss him passionately...

"When... how... When did you do all this?" I ask when we come up for air and Chris smiles. "I am not telling..." He said with a grin and i pouted at him, but he didn't budge. He pulled out a chair for me and i sat down. "Can i interest you in some orange juice..." He said presenting the carafe with juice as if it was an expensive bottle of wine... I giggled and nodded. 

He filled the champagne glass with juice... and after he had filled his own glass, he sat down. He took the covers off our plates, and it was a full breakfast with everything i liked... Pancakes... Bacon... Eggs... Fruit and all the fixings. "This all smells and looks so good..." I said smiling at him. "I am glad you like it..." Chris said smiling proudly. "Now let's eat..." He said and i chuckled. We fell in a comfortable conversation and i just couldn't help but smile... The food is amazing and the whole set up makes me swoon... 

"This really is amazing Chris..." I whisper and he smiles taking my hand and rubbing circles on the back of it. "Anything for you..." He says and leans over the table kissing me. "I do have another surprise..." He says smiling and pulls out 2 little boxes... "Chris... You dont..." I start to say but he cuts me off... "Just open this one first..." He says putting one of the little boxes in front of me... 

I open the box... Chris smiles at me... "That is the key to the house... So, you can come and go when you please..." Chris says and i look at him shocked... I stand up and walk over to him and sit in his lap. I kiss him passionately... "I recon this is you telling me you like it..." He whispers as we come up for air and i nod smiling before kissing him again... 

Chris smiles and hands me the other box... I smile and open it and i look at a necklace it a simple silver chain with a long straight pendant on it with some letters and numbers engraved on it... I look at Chris and he smiles at my confusion. "It are the coordinates from the place we first met..." He whispers and i look at him speechless. He smiles and takes the necklace out of the box, and he helps me put it on... I look down at the little pendant and smile. "Do you like it?" He whispers and i nod. "I love it..." I say and kiss him again... "I love you..." I whisper into the kiss, and he smiles. "I love you to baby... So much..."

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