Chapter 171

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Chris pov...

While driving to the school our lawyer calls and he tells us they can't find Kyle and our worse fears are confirmed... He just simply got released impersonating his Cell mate... Lana is immediately looking out the window and around us as if she is trying to find him expecting for him to show up at any moment the anxiety radiating off of her. I know as long as he is out there, she won't feel safe not for a second... They still need Oscar's DNA to confirm that the body is that of Kyle's cellmate... But our lawyer had seen the picture in his prison file and although they looked alike it is definitely not Kyle... I ask him how on earth this could have happened, and he says he has no clue...

"It is in the hands of the FBI now... He is a fugitive..." Our lawyer says and i sigh because the shit show has begun... I know we can't keep this quiet... A prison break especially like this will be news and once the press have made the link it will be a media circus... 

After we hung up i take Lana's hand in mine, but she doesn't look at me and i know right now whatever i say or do it won't help... She is scared and i get that no matter what i say i can't take that away... 

The other thing that has me worried is that we have no clue how long he is out or where he is... He could be in Boston already... It is no secret that we life somewhere in Boston... If he wants it easy to find out i guess... Then another thing should i provide security for my family? Will he really come after Lana and Oscar... Why now?  Had he been biting his time until he had a plan to get out... 

"Chris...?" Lana whispers as we just arrived at the school and i had parked and i look at her... "Yes sweetheart?" I answer and she looks at me with tears in her eyes... "Please dont leave us..." She whispers with absolute fear in her eyes and i am shocked... "Never sweetheart... I promise you are stuck with me forever..." I say and move in my seat and cup her face with both hands and kiss her... When we break the kiss i wipe the tears away with my thumbs... "We will get through this sweetheart... They will find him and lock him up again... I know you won't feel safe until he is back behind bars but i promise you i will do everything i can to protect our family..." I say kissing her again and she takes a deep breath... "How are we going to tell Oscar..." She whispers and i sigh... "Let's get him home first and we will take it from there..." I whisper and she nods, and we get out the car and i get Maeve and the car seat out and i take Lana's hand in mine and we walk inside to the reception asking to speak to the dean about an emergency... 

We get invited into his office and sit down and i explain the situation... I tell him i understand if he wants us to keep him home from school because the threat this causes to the other students... The dean says he can up security at the school and assures us Oscar will be safe during school time that his educations shouldn't suffer under this... but to keep him home this week for him to set up the extra security... 

We end up agreeing that i will pay half of the costs of the extra security... I insisted on it not wanting it all to fall on the school... Plus i wanted a say in what kind of security... We set up a meeting for tomorrow night at our house and i will keep him updated... 

He thanks us for letting him know and then calls for Oscar to be picked out of class... Lana hasn't said a word... She is just comforting Maeve who had been fussing... While we wait for Oscar to be picked up Lana leaves the office as Maeve starts to get fussier and she needs to rock her walking up and down as this is the only thing to get Maeve to settle...

"This must be scary for you and your wife..." The dean asks and i sigh and nod... "She is terrified... Oscar's bio dad is a piece of work and is in jail for murder of her best friend who tried to help her get away from him... Look we dont know if he is coming here... He could be halfway to Mexico for all i know... But..." I say and the dean cuts me off shaking his head... 

"A man like that does not get over his obsession... In fact, it will only grow... If he has access to news, he will know she has moved on and you two got married and you adopting Oscar... It will not help that you are who you are...  This has probably only fueled his obsession and i think you are right to believing he won't let it go... In his mind Oscar and your wife are his property..." He says and i sigh and nod... 

"Sorry i know a little about this kind of relationships... My father was abusive..." He says and i nod again and now know why he is so accommodating... Which i am absolutely thankful for because i dont want Oscar to have to miss too much school or have his life disrupted to much... 

Lana walks in with Maeve on her arm and a confused Oscar and i stand up and smile at him as he hugs me... "Am i in trouble..." He immediately asks and i chuckle... "No bud... You are not in trouble whatsoever... But we are taking you home for today... We can have a cuddle day..." I say and the dean smiles at Oscar as Oscar looks at him to make sure he is not in trouble... "No trouble kid... We will make sure he gets his homework... and call when you need anything..." He says and we shake hands...

"Dad what is going on?" Oscar asks as we walk out towards the car... "We will explain at home okay bud...?" I say and he nods... I take Maeve from Lana so she can hold Oscar's hand while we walk to the car and i sigh watching him talk to her not a care in the world... Not yet... My heart breaks that i have to shatter his world... 

I have to tell him that his and his mother safe world is not that safe anymore and that it is due to the man who is supposed to love him... The man who should be his role model... His hero and although i am happy he is mine and i love him like he is mine and he is mine... I wished that he would feel the same love from his bio dad...

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