Chapter 4

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Lana pov.

"Your only 28?" Chris said looking at me shocked. "Yeah... Is that a problem?" I asked scared for the answer... "No... no... nooo of course not but you just act so much more mature ... then i was at 28." He said smiling as he was still holding my hand after i had helped him up. I sighed as relief washed over me... "Well having a kid does that to you... but i still have my let loose days..." I said smiling. 

"Really...? And what does that look like?" Chris said smirking taking a step forward... His hand still holding on to mine...  "Well... Mr. Evans... Maybe you'll find out one day... If you're lucky..." I said doing my best to keep my voice steady... as i shocked myself by that bold answer... He was now standing really close his body heat and cologne engulfing me making me feel hazy for a minute until we got pulled from our little moment by an over excited Oscar yelling that he had put the game on the table. I chuckled. 

"We better go out there... Before he gets too much practice in..." I said and Chris laughed. We walked to the kitchen. "Are you ready to lose buddy..." Chris said smirking at Oscar. Oscar giggled. "No... You are going to lose..." Oscar said looking at him trying his best to look tough... "Well, we will see about that... but do you know who definitely is going to lose?" Chris said and Oscar giggled... "Mommy!" He squealed and Chris laughed picking him up and tickling him. "That is right... Mommy is going to lose big time..." Chris said smirking at me... I just shook my head...

I got us all a something to drink and we sat down to play operation... We played a few games laughing as me and Chris tried to distract each other but both of us got owned by Oscar. After the 5th game Oscar gets cranky and i can see he is tired. "Okay Mister... It is time for bed say goodnight to Chris..." I said smiling. "Good night, Chris..." Oscar says and he walks over giving him a hug taking us both by surprise. "Goodnight Oscar..." Chris says hugging him back.

As soon as his little head hits his pillow... He is asleep and as i tuck him in... I look outside before i close the curtains... Rain is pouring down... Wind has picked up and it looks like it is storming... I can't even see the house across the street...

I look at Oscar again and I smile as he is clutching his Captain America doll. But i can't help but be a little worried, after everything with his dad... We finally have come to a point that is calm and stable. I just can't have him get attached and for him to be disappointed by yet another man in his life... Even if that man is just a friend... But the words of my best friend go through my head... "Live your life otherwise all has been for nothing... The best revenge is to life and be happy..." It where her last words... 

I have to wipe away a tear as the memory's start flooding in. I close the bedroom door and quickly splash some water in my face before i walk back in the kitchen... But Chris is no longer in the kitchen. I find him standing in front of the Tv in the living room watching the weather as they give a warning to not go on the road if you dont have to... 

I can't let him drive home... It is too dangerous... Do i feel comfortable enough with him to let him stay?  All i can answer on that is yes... I can't explain it... I barely know this man... But his company is comforting and not once has he made me feel unsafe... Not once did i have the feeling something was off... You know that gut feeling something is not right... It couldn't do any harm right letting him stay... I ask myself and i sigh.

"I have a spear room you can stay in... It is better not to drive..." I say and he turns around to me. "Are you sure?" He asks and i nod... "Of course... Dont want something to happen to you when i have a perfectly good guestroom... besides they say to stay off the roads if you really dont have to and you dont have to... You can crash here..." I say but i can't help but feel a bit nervous about it...   

"You okay...?" Chris asks as we sit on the couch watching the rest of the weather alarm... I nod giving him a small smile. "You know whenever you want to talk about it just know i am here to listen..." He says taking my hand in his and i watch him rub circles with his thumb over the back of my hand. I let out a sigh and rest my head on his shoulder. "I dont want to bore you with my past..." I whisper swallowing hard to get rid of the lump in my throat. But the truth is i am scared if i tell him everything he is going to run for the hills... And as much as i was trying to not get attached or to keep my distance he was slowly breaking down my walls... 

"Hey, look at me..." Chris says his hand on my face turning it towards him so that we now are incredibly close his thumb running over my cheek. "You will not bore me... nor will you scare me off okay... I like you Lana... But i know you are not ready and i can wait until you are... and if you never are ready, I'll settle for being your friend..." He whispers and i close my eyes for a moment reveling in his touch... 

"I would be lying if i said i didn't like you Chris..." I whisper and pause for a moment... I take a deep breath... "But with everything that happened with Oscar's dad... I just... I can't ask you to wait... That is not fair to you... Because i dont know if i ever will be ready to be in a relationship again..." I say and let out a sigh. 

"Shhh..." Chris whispers softly as he wipes away the tear on my cheek. He puts his arm around me and just holds me nothing more. Part of me expects him to feel me up wanting more than just hold me, but he doesn't... He just holds me and let me melt into him. "You are so comfortable..." I murmur making Chris chuckle. We sit there for a while in silence in our own thoughts. I am debating if i should tell him. I Decide to do so... Just in case... If runs for the hills we didn't get attached to much... If he would disappear now Oscar would not be too depended on him

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