Chapter 90

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Chris pov...

Lana is out dress shopping with my family... It is insane how restless i am about it... I am home alone with Oscar... I sigh... He is playing in his bedroom... "Oh fuck this..." I mutter and walk to his bedroom. "Hey buddy...  Want to go on a hike... with the dogs?" I ask and he nods. "Okay put on your boots and a sweater and I'll get us some snacks for the road..." I say smiling and Oscar jumps up to look for his boots... I texted Lana that i was taking Oscar on a hike and then out to dinner sort of a boy's day and that i didn't know when we would be back... All i got back was have fun and be careful... She was giving me nothing... She didn't even want to tell me what kind of dress she is looking for... It is absolutely driving me crazy

"I am ready dad!!!" Oscar screams making me jump like 10 feet in the air as i was so lost in my own thoughts that i didn't hear him coming... He starts laughing and i am breathing heavy my heart in my throat...  "You little sneak did Uncle Scott teach you that?"  I said scooping him up and tickling him until he squeals for me to stop... I smirk and put him back down. 

"Can we scare Uncle Scott next time..." Oscar asks and i smirk. "We sure can buddy... We will come up with a plan when he comes over again..." I say and Oscar looks at me with the biggest smile. I grab some bottles of water and some snacks putting them in a backpack... "Now let's go..." I say smiling and we walk to the car dogs in tow...

Lana pov...

I smile at my phone texting Chris back to have fun and be safe... He had asked me a thousand times if he could come along... and a thousand times i told him no... He then asked if i could just send him one picture in a wedding dress... It didn't need to be THE wedding dress and again i had told him no... 

"Chris?" Carly and Scott asked and i nodded smirking. "He is bouncing off the walls... and is now taking Oscar for a hike... probably to not go crazy at home... He is really wanting to see the dress... He has been pouting and sulking all week..." I say letting out a chuckle.

"You're not going to, are you?" Carly asked and i shook my head "Hell no... The first time he will see it is when i walk down the aisle..." I say as Lisa and Shanna join us... "Is Chris whining again..." Lisa says smiling and i nod. "He is taking Oscar for a hike..." I say smiling and Lisa chuckles. 

"Ladies and gentlemen... Who is the bride to be..." A friendly looking woman says and i giggle as Scott pushes me forward. "I am..." I say blushing. I introduce the rest and the woman who introduced herself as Stacy tells us to take a look around to see if there is something that i like....

It is a bit overwhelming... So many dresses and i have no clue what i want or what would look good on me. "Do you see something that you like..." Stacy asks me. "I dont know... It is a bit overwhelming... I have no idea what looks good on me..." I say blushing and Stacy smiles... "We can try as many as you want... I am sure we can find you THE dress..." Stacy says confidently...  

"What if we all pick out a dress to start..." Carly suggest and i smile and nod... After walking around for half an hour i picked out one and the others have to and i walk to the dressing room with Stacy... The first one is one that Shanna has picked out and i am not feeling it but walk out anyway to show the rest

 The first one is one that Shanna has picked out and i am not feeling it but walk out anyway to show the rest

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"NO..." Carly and Scott say at the same time and i let out a sigh of relief. "What do you think sweetheart..." Lisa says and i shake my head. "It is beautiful for someone but i dont like it..." I say and Lisa nods... "I agree..." Lisa says and Shanna nods to... I go back to the dressing room and put the dress on that Lisa had chosen

 I go back to the dressing room and put the dress on that Lisa had chosen

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"I like the pockets..." I say blushing as i walk out and Lisa asks me what i think... "It is a bit boring..." I whisper and they all chuckle... I go back into the dressing room to put on Carly's pick...

 I go back into the dressing room to put on Carly's pick

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"Sorry Carly... I hate everything about it..." I say blushing letting out a sigh... "Thats okay... I have to admit it is not you..." She said smiling.  I walk back in the dressing room to put on the dress i was dreading... Scott's pick...


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"SCOTT!!! I AM PRACTICALLY NAKED... I can't wear this... I might as well walk down the aisle naked..." I say looking in the mirror in the dressing room. "Just show us!" Scott says and i take a deep breath and walk out and they all look at me shocked and Lisa scolds Scott... "It looks beautiful though..." Shanna says... "Maybe but i would not feel comfortable... Dont get me wrong... I dont mind something sexy... But this is too much..." I say and Carly and Lisa agree...

I walk back in the dressing room and i am glad to take off the dress and i put on my own pick... It is not what i thought and Stacy keeps bringing dresses for me to try... I am starting to get frustrated, and Stacy tells us to take a break...  "It will be okay sweetheart... We will find the dress..." Lisa says taking my hand and squeezing it a little

"Okay... This dress just had gotten in i was going to display it later but i think you might like it..." Stacey says and i follow her into the dressing room to put it on... I turn around and gasp slapping my hand over my mouth as tears start to form... "It is beautiful..." I whisper to Stacey, and she smiles. 

I walk out and they all gasp and Lisa wipes away some tears... "This is the one..." I say smiling through my tears and they all agree... "You look so beautiful sweetheart... Chris is going to love it..." Lisa says and they all nod... "He is going to cry..." Scott says smirking and we all laugh.

It has to be altered a bit, so Stacey makes some notes and measurement's... We make an appointment for a fitting and after that we leave to have a celebratory dinner for finding a dress...  

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