Chapter 74

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Chris pov...

Lana was home for a week now... Oscar had gone back to school and life was slowly going back to normal... I smiled as Lana was sitting on the couch... I had just gotten back from taking Oscar to school and to my surprise she had made her own way to the couch... Until now she had been in bed... We had spent the weekend watching movies and just cuddled up the 3 of us... Oscar was loving it... During the week family would stop by but i had said that the weekend we wanted to just be the 3 of us and they all understood...

Lana had slept a lot... And we were still grieving for our baby... Just the two of us... We hadn't told anyone... Lana was not ready... Because although i had said it was not her fault and there was nothing that she could have done she was still scared of other people's reactions...

Her confession that she had given up was shocking and i thanked god we had found her in time because i dont know what i had done without her... She is so strong, and you couldn't help but admire that... Her therapist had been by for a house call and while they talked i went to walk the dogs... She waited with Lana until i was back because being alone in the house made her anxious... This was going to be a weekly thing until Lana was recovered enough to go to the therapist's office... I was happy that she was dealing with it all... I was happy she had confided in me... I was happy that i could take away some of the guilt...

I sat down next to her on the couch and smiled. "You should have waited for me to help you sweetheart..." I said and she smirked at me... She grabbed my shirt and pulled me lying down with her on the couch. She kissed me passionately and i groaned as my body reacted to her. "Someone is excited..." She whispered and i groaned again... 

I was just about to kiss her again when the doorbell rang and while Lana giggled and whined... "Let's pretend we are not home..." I said and kissed her again... The doorbell rang again, and Lana giggled again... "Your car is in the driveway, and they know i am not going anywhere..." She said rolling her eyes and i sighed pushing myself up... "You might want to take a few deep breaths and think about dead puppy's..." She said smirking and i rolled my eyes.

By the time i got to the front door i got my body back under control and opened the door... "EVANS...!" I heard coming from behind this massive gift basket... "Wauw talking gift baskets..." I said and i smiled when Mackie and Seb appeared. "I am starting to think you two are a married couple... I never see you apart anymore..." I said joking as i hugged them both... 

"Yeah, yeah, yeah... Just move we are here for the patient..." Mackie said walking past me and i laughed stepping aside for Seb to walk in to.... "Dont encourage him... He is driving me crazy already with the whole couch thing..." Seb whispered as he walked past me and i laughed. 

"She is in the living room..." I said but Mackie was already halfway there... I chuckled and after Seb was inside and walking towards the living room... I closed the door and followed them...  I paused for a bit and smiled as i heard her laughing and when i finally walked in i groaned as they both were sitting on a side of her practically banishing me from my spot... 

But seeing her smile as she opened the gift baskets made up for it... They had bought her Flowers... books... Snacks... Wine and all sorts of things... The highlight being a bell for her to use as she needed something... She hugged them both thanking them and then looked at me with a smirk on her face... She shook the bell... "Chris can you get them some coffee..." She said in her sweetest voice, and she giggled... I growled in response... "We would love some coffee..." Seb said smirking and Lana giggled again... "You are so lucky i love you..." I growled smirking as i stood up. "We love you to..." Seb and Mackie said both at the same time smirking and i shook my head as Lana busted out laughing. "Unbelievable..." I muttered and walked to the kitchen to make coffee...

While as i was making coffee i listened to Lana laughing with Seb and Mackie... It made me smile... Their craziness was just what she needed... I groaned when i heard the sound of the bell again and i sighed... I walked to the living room and i chuckled as they were all looking at me... "Nothing... We just wanted to see if it still worked..." Mackie said and Lana and Seb burst out laughing at the look on my face... 

I made coffee and walked into the living room handing it over and we fell into a comfortable conversation... I was thankful they seem to have picked up that Lana needed light conversations, so they told her stories from the time we filmed for Marvel... She had the biggest smile on her face and that made the embarrassing stories worth it...

It was almost time to go pick Oscar up from school and Lana suggested Mackie and Seb to go with me and to do something fun with Oscar so she could take a nap... I hesitated but she assured me she would be fine... She was tired and needed to lie down for a bit... I gave in but on the condition that i helped her back to bed and she agreed. 

"Are you sure it is okay?" I asked after i had helped her to bed and she nodded. "Yes... Go do something fun with Oscar make his day... I need to sleep so i dont fall over..." She said smiling. I put her phone next to her... "Call when you need something, and we will pick up dinner on our way home..." I said and she smiled. "Burgers?" She said smiling and i chuckled. "Burgers..." I said and i smiled leaning down and i kissed her... 

"Are you guys ready to go?" I asked when i walked into the living room and they nodded getting up and we walked to the car to go get Oscar...

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