Chapter 191

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Chris pov...

"Home..." She whispers with a big smile on her face after i helped her out of the car... After 3 weeks in the hospital she was finally allowed to go home but with the note she would take it easy... Scott grabs her stuff from the backseat and smiles and winks at me... She takes my arm as i help her towards the house and when the door opens everyone jumps out yelling "SURPRISE!!" 

She jumps not expecting the surprise and tears up and i step in front of her ignoring and shielding her from everyone because everyone noticed.... "It is okay sweetheart your save..." I whisper wrapping her in my arms... She won't admit it, but she is having more trouble with everything that happened than she lets on... Unexpected movements and hard sounds are a trigger to make her jump... But for now, we let is slide as she is not ready to deal with it... She wipes her tears on my shirt and i chuckle... "Sorry..." She whispers and i sigh... "No... no sorry... It is okay..." I whisper and she pulls away and looks around me stepping to the side and i hold her, so she is more stable... "Hello everyone... Sorry..." She says and they all smile at her, and Oscar runs up hugging her and she holds him tight... "Everyone came to surprise you mom... Even uncle Robert..." He says all excited and i grin. Robert arrived yesterday and although they only have met once before he is Uncle Robert. 

She waves at Robert who is standing next to Mackie and Seb... She walks as fast as she can towards him and hugs him taking him by surprise, but he hugs her back... "Thank you for flying me back..." She says and he smiles and nods... "Everything for you and the Dorito..." He says and she chuckles as he wipes her tears away... She then hugs Seb who holds her a little too tight and i she winces, and he immediately lets her go... "Sorry..." He mumbles but she shakes her head and hugs him again...

She then hugs Mackie who is careful, and she chuckles... "I won't break Mackie give me a real Mack attack hug..." She says and everyone chuckles... I watch her go around the room determined to hug everyone... Oscar is standing next to me, and he looks up... "Is mom really, okay?" He asks me and i get down to his level... "She still has to take it ease bud, but she is doing much better..." I say and he hugs me... "Are you happy she is home?" I ask and he nods... "I am happy you are both home..." He whispers and i hug him a little tighter... "I am happy we are all home to..." I whisper back... We look up and see Carly and ma both hug Lana while all 3 are crying... I can see Lana readjust a little as she is being squeezed by them tightly... 

"Can you do me one little favor bud?" I say and he nods... "Can you go save your mom from grandma and auntie Carly?" I ask and i stand up smirking as Oscar runs up to them. "Mom! Dad asked me to save you from grandma and Auntie Carly..." He yells and i groan as they all 3 turn to me giving me the stare... Robert, Mackie and Seb find this incredibly funny... I smirk looking at Lana and i wink at her and she blushes... She continues her round the last one being Scott and i can see her sigh... "I am sorry for scaring you running off like that..." Lana says and Scott shakes his head and pulls her in a hug... He whispers something to her, and they both hug again... 

"You can relax now..." She is safe and i turn to Robert who is now standing next to me... "I know..." I say and he shakes his head... "You are watching her like a hawk... And i understand but make sure you dont become overbearing..." He says and i nod... "How are you doing?" He asks and i shrug... "I am fine... Better than her..." I say and he shakes his head... "You have been through something traumatic to Chris... Things are still fresh, and you haven't got too much time to deal with it... When things settle down you might find that things are coming up... Promise me you guys will deal with it... Dont let them win by breaking the love you have for each other..." He says and i look at him and smile... "Dont worry we won't let it break us... I am never letting her go she is my world... She and the kids..." I say and he nods patting my back... "That's what i wanted to hear..." He says and i smirk at him...

"So, i brought champagne..." Carly says smiling walking in with a tray and i can see Lana look at me with big eyes panicking a bit and i walk up... "That is sweet, but Lana can't have alcohol with her medication..." I say and Carly looks at me annoyed... "One won't hurt..." She says and looks at us... but i shake my head... "Doctors orders but you can all have some..." I say smiling and Carly rolls her eyes... 

"Do you want one?" She asks Lana who shakes her head, and this satisfies Carly who moves on with the tray... Lana is past the 12-week mark in her 14th week, but we decided to keep it to ourselves a little longer... After everything that happened, we just needed some time... Something for ourselves... We wanted time to ourselves in general and the only reason i agreed to this surprise welcome home thing was that after this Lana the kids and i would be on our own just us... I love my family and i am so grateful for being here to support us, but we needed some family time just us 4 and the little bean inside Lana... We had let the family know this and they understood... 

A few hours later everyone left... Mackie, Seb and Robert flew back to LA where they all needed to be... They had flown in especially for this... I look at Lana who is sitting on the couch with Maeve in her arms... Maeve had woken up during everything and i had gotten her and handed to Lana and she hadn't put her down again... She couldn't breastfeed anymore due to the stress of everything she didn't produce anymore and with her eating solids to we switched to formula... 

Oscar was in his room playing video games and tomorrow Dodger would come home again... He had been with Carly and the kids so we could have our hands free for the first day home, but Lana wanted everything back to normal as soon as possible so she asked to bring him home tomorrow... 

I sit down next to her, and she lays her head on my shoulder... "I think i have to take a nap... I have trouble keeping my eyes open..." Lana whispers and i kiss the top of her head... "Let me get Maeve to bed first... Then i will be back to help you..." I said and Lana chuckled... "I can walk on my own to the bedroom Chris... I just need your help to change... I am just longing for my own comfortable bed..." She whispers and i nod and smile... 

She hands me Maeve and i stand up lingering as she pushes herself up with a little trouble but eventually, she manages... While i walk to the nursery and put Maeve to bed she goes to the bedroom and when i am done and walking in she is laying on the bed asleep still wearing her clothes... 

I smile and tuck her in... I walk to Oscar's room and smile and sit down next to him and take one of the controllers and while Lana is napping i play video games with Oscar... Smiling at the fact it feels so normal... We are getting back to normal...

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