Chapter 143

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Lana pov...

"So how are you holding up..." Carly says smiling as we sit down for lunch at my favorite Bistro... It is a nice sunny day so we sit outside and i am so enjoying the sunshine on my face... Chris is at home with Carly's husband trying to put the nursery together... He tried to do it yesterday but after 4 attempts he gave up and called for help... The rest of the day he had been grumpy and i was glad when it was time for bed because i swear his mood was going to make me cry...

"I am... Overall good... But i am so emotional about everything... Yesterday i almost cried because Chris was grumpy for not getting the nursery set up himself... He wouldn't let me help and his whole demeanor made me anxious and emotional... The day before that i cried because i wanted broccoli instead of green beans with dinner... And that morning i cried because we were out of eggs to make pan cakes... Or i cry because i dont know what i want to eat..." I say letting out a sigh... "Let's not forget that i couldn't stop crying because Chris died in a movie... He had to console me about it sitting alive next to me... I must be driving him crazy by now..." I say and Carly chuckles... 

A waitress comes to bring a menu and we both order something to drink... "At least i won't be coming home drunk this time..." I say grinning at Carly, and she laughs... "So how are you dealing with the whole ma thing...?" Carly asked me and i sighed... "I am not... I told Chris to deal with it trusting he would respect my boundaries...." I murmur and Carly looks at me surprised...

"If i have to deal with it she will put all the blame on me... Even though she is already doing that... I really dont know where i went wrong...  I thought Lisa and i had a good relationship... But it is as if this pregnancy changed everything..." I say and Carly takes a deep breath. 

"You are carrying her dream..." She says smirking and i look at her a little disgusted which makes her laugh... "Her boy is finally going to have a baby... A part of her golden boy..."  Carly says and i chuckle but still look a little guarded... "That sounds so wrong..." I say and Carly laughs again... "Dont worry she is in therapy... She is making progress and i hope it is going to help..." Carly said and i nodded. 

"Good because Chris is adamant... No therapy no seeing the baby..." I whisper and Carly smiles proudly... "Never thought i would see him stand up to ma... Good for him..." She says and i chuckle. 

"So, a girl... Are you excited?" Carly asks and i am thankful she is changing the subject. I nod... "Yesss... i am very excited... All the cute dresses bows and all that... Chris is taking it a step further if i would let him everything would be princesses and pink... God you should have seen the nursery set he wanted... God it was awful..." I say and Carly laughs... "But it is nice he is excited to be a girl dad..." I mumble and Carly looks at me and i feel the tears coming... 

"Lana? What is wrong..." Carly whispers taking my hand. "I am an awful person..." I whisper and Carly looks at me confused... "Why would you say that...?" She asks.... "Because when they told me it was a girl i was relieved..." I whisper and Carly stands up and sits down next to me... "Why were you relieved?" She asks... "So that Oscar still would be Chris his boy..." I murmur and i am try so hard to fight my tears... "I was so scared if it was a boy that he was going to replace Oscar..." I mumble and Carly just holds me and lets me cry in the middle of the Bistro... "I am an awful person..." I mumble again...

"No sweetheart you are not... You just want nothing to change for you boy... And i promise it will not Chris loves that boy to death and even if there will be another boy in the future that won't change... We will set him straight if he does... But i know Chris loves that boy more than life itself..." She says and i wipe away my tears... "Thank you..." I say giving her a little forced smile... 

Carly sits back in her seat and the waitress comes over and we order lunch...  Not 10 minutes later Carly her phone rings... "Hey Chris..." Carly says picking up the phone smiling at me and i roll my eyes... "Oh for the love of god really?" Carly says looking around and i immediately know why because there is paparazzi... "Well just comment never heard of pregnancy hormones..." Carly says and i chuckle before she hands me the phone... 

"Are you okay sweetheart?"  Chris asks anxiously... "Yeah, just crying in public about nothing... How bad do i look...?" I ask and he sighs... "You dont look bad sweetheart... They just make their own story around it as usual..." He says and i sigh... "Sorry for causing trouble..." I say and he laughs... "Dont be silly... They are idiots... Just enjoy you lunch and dont worry about them..." He says and i smile... "How is the nursery coming along?" I ask and he groans making me giggle. 

"Dont get me started..." He mumbles and i chuckle... "Okay well good luck... I love you..." I chirp and he grumbles... "Love you to sweetheart..." He says and we hang up and i give Carly back her phone. 

"Sometimes i wish i had social media so i could react to these ridiculous photos and rumors they put out..." I sigh and Carly shakes her head... "Trust me you dont want that... That is a slippery slope..." Carly sighs and i nod... "Oh i know but sometimes i just wish i could shut them up..." I sigh and Carly nods.

Our lunch is being brought and we start to eat... I am doing my little happy food dance in my seat while i eat and when i look up Carly is filming me and i blush... "Why?" I ask and she chuckles... "Because it is cute..." She whispers and i just shake my head smiling... "Can we do some baby shopping after lunch?" I ask Carly and she smirks at me. "I thought you would never ask..." She says smiling and we both laugh... 

We finish our lunch and go shopping. We are laughing walking from store to store and i do notice the paparazzi, but they seem to keep their distance... But we hadn't hit a baby store yet... I knew as soon as we would do that, they would swarm us because they wanted to see if i would buy something pink or blue... 

We walk into a baby store, and it happens they swarm in front of the store and i sigh... "I can't buy anything now..." I say feeling annoyed and Carly sighs... "I dont even know how we are getting out..." I mumble and i watch Carly walk to the store manager... I look shocked when she lowers her shutters making it so i can shop without onlookers... "Dont worry sweetheart... Your secret is safe with me..." The lady says giving me a wink... "Thank you so much..." I say tearing up. 

After buying almost everything for girls in the store she packages it, so it is not to be seen and puts up the shutters again... I look outside and take a deep breath... Because we have to make our way through all those people... 

Carly takes my hand, and we try to push through... But they are too much and i lose my footing and fall over... I feel a sharp pain in my belly and i call out for Carly saying something is wrong with my baby... I feel panicked because i dont see Carly anymore because i am being surrounded by paparazzi who keeps taking pictures... 

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