Chapter 177

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Lana pov...

"Hello, my dear daughter... Apple of my eye..." My dad says his voice dripping with sarcasm and disgust... A grin on his face... "Why?" I ask and his face changes... "Do you hate me so much that you dont want me to be happy and life my live in peace..." I ask him but he doesn't answer, and he just scoffs... He ignores me and walks around me towards Kyle... "Let him go... Knock him out and we can leave..." He says the sounds of his voice means business and i know even Kyle won't go against him... 

"He stole my life... He needs to pay for that... She didn't bring the boy..." Kyle growls almost screaming and my dad scoffs... "And we got it back for you... You can always make a new kid... She is still fertile and of child baring age... She can give you a new one... A better one... One we can raise right... The other one is too old her hippy ways are ingrained into him now... He is of no use anymore..." My dad growls and i can't keep it in anymore and i turn around and throw up... 

The idea of giving birth to anymore of Kyle's children let alone what needs to happen for me to do that makes me sick and feel disgusted... And i can't hold it in anymore and i throw up... My breakfast the last meal i ate today coming back up and is now splattered over the floor...

"For the love of god, you pathetic excuse of a woman... Pull yourself together... You better not throw up in the car or you will be sorry... We will beat that weakness out of you at home... Now pull yourself together and let's go..." My dad yells at me... 

"Please can i say goodbye one more time... I will come willingly... I'll do whatever you say but please let me say goodbye one more time..." I beg him and while Kyle says no my dad grumbles something and Kyle looks at him angry but grabs me and walks me back to the room where Chris is... "Make it quick you stupid bitch... Because this will be the last fucking time you will see this hero wannabe..." He growls throwing me towards Chris...

My heart breaks again... He is barely conscious... I cup his face and press my lips on his not caring that he is covered in blood or what Kyle thinks of it... Chris opens his eyes and i give him a little reassuring smile that it all will be over for him soon... "I have to go baby... I have to go with Kyle and my dad..." I whisper as tears run down my face... I am unable to stop them as saying goodbye to Chris is the hardest thing i ever have to do... 

"They will let you go so you can go home... I love you so much... Please dont hate me... Please dont hate Oscar... Dont take it out on him... Help him become a wonderful man just like you and tell him and our baby girl i love them so much... Dont be too hard on our girl when she grows up but teach her to not take crap from men... Dont let her become like me... Teach her to be a strong independent woman..." I whisper kissing him again... 

"No baby please dont go... Dont leave me..." He begs me and it breaks my heart... "I have to... I have to it is the only way to save you..."  I whisper and i kiss him again... "STOP FUCKING KISSING HIM, YOU FUCKING WHORE!!!" Kyle yells and he grabs me dragging me out while i scream that i love Chris and he screams he will find me and that he loves me and that he promises everything i asked of him... 

I am crying as Kyle stops walking... "Stop fucking crying..." He says but i can't and he slaps me across the face making me fall down... "KYLE! We still have to travel if you mess her face up people are definitely going to notice and call the cops you can start the retraining when we get to our place... NOW LET'S GO!" My dad yells at him and Kyle growls a smirk appearing on his face at the words retraining... 

I get dragged to the car my dad disappearing in the room where Chris is at and i pray... I pray he keeps his word and i quietly sobbing let Kyle push me in the back of the car... He shoves my bag in my lap and i clutch onto it... Kyle gets in the passenger seat and turns to me... "Welcome to your new life little girl..." He says grinning and i look away another tear running down my cheek... 

My so-called father comes rushing up to the car and sits behind the wheel starting the car and driving off... "Did you let him go...?" I whisper and my dad growls a "Yes..." 

Relief washes over me and i slump back in the back seat... Chris and our kids would be okay... Chris promised, and his promises mean something... He always keeps his promises...

I cry in silence... Tears running down my cheek but i dont dare to make a sound... I am looking out the window as we drive and drive watching out to the places with the good memories... The beautiful memories i was determined to never forget... I looked at the places and imagined Chris and our kids making new memories and being happy... I should be sad that i wouldn't be part of it... But it is the only thing i can think of to keep myself together... It will be the only thing that will keep me sane through everything that is about to come... 

We get on the way out of Boston and my heart breaks... The city i found love in... The city i called home... The city i finally got happy and found a family... It was all going to be in the past and i was saying goodbye by remembering all the good things... All the smiles all the happy memories... 

I smile through my tears as we drive by the diner out of town were we frequently had breakfast as a family... Oscar loves their pancakes... The last time we went with Maeve to, and she was smiling at Chris while he ate his food sitting comfortably in his lap squealing waving her little arms around like she always does when she is excited... I know she is going to grow up to be a beautiful strong woman but i am sad i won't see it... 

"What are you smiling about...?" Kyle growls... "Just good and happy memories..." I whisper and i can see Kyle getting agitated and he scoffs... "I will beat all those memories out of you. Stupid bitch..." He mumbles and i keep my mouth shut... 

"You know the sooner you accept your fate... The easier it is going to be... If you were a good woman and home maker nothing would have happened, and Kyle didn't have to do what he did... Your so-called friend would be alive... He would have married you when you became pregnant if you weren't such a disappointment... It is all your fault you know... But we will get you back in line... One way or another... But just know you can make it as easy or as hard as you want to... Be good and get treated good... Be bad and you will feel pain..." He says and i scoff and go back to ignoring them... I know i never will be good enough Kyle will always find something wrong... He once punched me in the face because in eyes i didn't mop the floor correctly... I had to go up and down instead from left to right... 

My dad could never stand Kyle, he despised him for having me move in without getting married and now Kyle had somehow convinced him it was all my fault that if it wasn't for me, we would have been married... Kyle was the one who didn't want to... And after everything happened i was happy about that... But now it was being used against me... Now they were all buddy buddy connecting about the fact that i... a woman... Who in their eyes should only obey dared to leave... I still couldn't believe my dad was in on all this... I know he was a scumbag but i never saw him do anything illegal... But here we are...

"Where are we going?" I ask. "Home..." My dad says and for a moment the word home gives me happiness... Because home is with Chris and the kids... But after that split second of happiness, it sinks in... My new home will be hell...

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