Chapter 31

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Chris pov...

"You know we have the whole house to ourselves..." Lana whispers and i smirk... "I guess so... What did you have in mind..." I say and she kisses me again... Lana stands up and takes my hand and she starts pulling me to the bedroom... I smile following her... I loved her getting bolder... Taking the initiative... She had this innocent vibe surrounding her yet sometimes she said these things... that would go straight to my dick making me hard... 

She stopped in the middle of the bedroom and faced me... She looks up at me biting her lip taking my hand and putting it around her neck... 

"I want you to use me... Take me however you want... Bend me in whatever position you want me to... Fuck me... until i am seeing stars and can't think straight no more... Make me cum until i can't take it anymore... Use me Chris... make me feel good... I am yours... To do with as you please..." She says softly her eyes never leaving mine... The tone of her voice soft and seductive... 

I took in a sharp breath... This is what i meant... So innocent and then all of a sudden this... My dick got hard and i had to suppress a moan... "Fuck baby... having you talk like that has me already hard..." I say taking her hand and putting it on my already hard cock... She starts to rub me through my pants but i grab her wrist... If she keeps this up i am going to cum in my pants... Because that's how turned on i am... 

I knew how much of a big deal this is... Her surrendering to me... Her trusting me after everything she had gone through... Fuck somehow it makes it even hotter... I pull her closer by her neck... pulling her face close to mine... "Is that what you really want sweetheart... Do you want me to fuck all the bad memories away..." I say softly hovering my lips over hers. 

"Yes... please..." She whispers without hesitation... I smile... and kiss her soft... loving... "Chris..." She whines and i smirk before kissing her again... "No whining baby... Dont make me have to spank you... Just be a good girl..." I say smirking and she takes in a sharp breath... I release her and sit down on the edge of the bed... "Take off your clothes sweetheart..." I say smiling and she smirks... 

"As you wish..." She says and she kicks off her shoes before she turns around and takes of her jeans pushing them down to the floor. She wiggles her ass as she is bend over and i smirk... She stands back up kicking her jeans to the side and turns back facing me... She takes her shirt pulling it over her head... She is now standing there in nothing more than her lingerie... 

"Come here..." I say and she walks over to me standing in between my legs... I run my hands up and down on the outside of her thighs... Before pulling down her panties and helping her step out of them... I plant kisses all over her chest as my hands glide to her ass and i squeeze it... She steadies herself by putting her hands on my shoulders... 

"Your skin is so soft..." I whisper as i let my fingers graze her skin and i smirk as i see the goose bumps appear.... I unclasp her bra and pull it off her shoulders down her arms throwing it aside. I immediately plant kisses all over her boobs before sucking on one of her nipples... my hands joining by massaging them making her moan... As i peek up i can see she has her head thrown back as she is letting the pleasure wash over her... 

I can feel her hands in my hair pulling me even closer to her chest... for a moment i get lost in the sensation of our hands all over each other... That is until she slightly pulls on my hair making me look up at her and she leans down kissing me... She lets out a little sigh into the kiss and i grin...

"Get on your knees..." I growl and without breaking the kiss she slowly sinks down to her knees. She runs her hands up and down my thighs but i am still wearing my clothes... I pull my shirt over my head, and she groans reaching for my chest lightly scraping her nails over it making me shiver and i let out a groan again... 

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