Chapter 5

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Lana pov.

"Oscar's dad was not a nice man..." I whisper. Chris says nothing just lets me speak. "He was controlling and abusive... I just took it... I dont know why... I think he just broke me down slowly.... But as Oscar got older, he started to threaten him to... So, I took Oscar and ran after he threatened to hit Oscar or even do worse.... I ran to my best friend...." I take a deep breath to gather myself before i continue... 

"After a few days he found us and broke in... He wanted to get to Oscar to take him away from me as punishment... I had dared to leave him... He was full of rage because nobody leaves him... She tried to stop him...  He killed her before the cops could even get there. She died in my arms... The ambulance was too late." I whisper as tears stream down my face... I can feel him holding me tighter his hand running up and down my arm... But he says nothing... He just lets me talk.

"He got arrested and put in jail... But even from there it didn't stop. I wanted to move away but he wouldn't give consent for me to move with Oscar... Apparently, you can abuse your family even kill someone... But still have the right to see your son... The son you almost had abducted and wanted to kill..." I said letting out a deep breath trying to regain some control of myself... 

"I had to take him to court to get full custody and have his rights taken away... The day the judge ruled that he had no rights anymore i packed up the house and moved here with Oscar..." I whispered and wiped away my tears as i held my breath for what was to come next...

I was expecting Chris to run for the hills leaving a man shaped hole in the door, but he did no such thing he just held me closer comforting me. Instead of coming with meaningless advice or opinions he said he didn't know what to say. It was refreshing, to hear someone say that he didn't have any answers either....

"Sorry if i brought the mood down..." I whispered. "Dont be... Thank you for trusting me..." He whispered back. "We should go to bed... Oscar will be up really early..." I said letting out a sigh... "God i miss sleeping in..." I groaned and Chris chuckled. I can't help but feel relaxed in Chris his arms... I can't help but feel safe...

"Chris...?" I whisper. "Yeah...?" He whispers back. "You can say no and i won't be offended... but can you sleep with me tonight... Can you just hold me..." I ask him softly... Catching even myself by surprise... "Of course..." He whispered. I stood up and grabbed his hand leading him to the bedroom. I changed quickly in the bathroom to shorts and a tank top. 

I looked in the mirror after brushing my teeth and took a deep breath... I was nervous even though i knew nothing was going to happen... I hadn't had a man in my bed in like forever. I walked into the bedroom and Chris was looking a little lost. 

"Do you mind if i take my shirt off...? I dont normally sleep with anything on..." He whispers blushing. "I dont want you to feel uncomfortable..." He says with a little smile on his face. I chuckled. "It's okay as long as you're comfortable... I trust you..." I whispered before i crawled into bed and peaked as he took his clothes of leaving him only in his boxers. 

He laid down beside me on his side and i cuddled into him letting out a sigh as he wrapped his arms around me holding me tight... Everything about him relaxes me. His sent, his warmth, his heartbeat... I buried my face further in his chest. "Goodnight Chris..." I whispered. "Goodnight Lana..." Is the last thing i hear before i fall asleep...

Chris pov.

I lay there with Lana in my arms. She has fallen asleep and i hold her tight. The feeling of having her in my arms making me smile... But what she told me plays through my head. I can't believe that someone could treat a woman and kid like that... They had gone through hell. But after everything she has been through you can't do anything else but admire how strong she is. 

"Mommy?" I hear a little voice say and as i look up i see Oscar standing in the doorway. I look down at Lana who is still in a deep sleep. "Hey buddy... What is wrong?" I ask hoping he doesn't freak out i am in his mother's bed. 

"I had a nightmare..." He says sobbing. I smile as i see he is holding the captain America doll in his little hand. I know i should wake Lana up, but she looks so peaceful. "Come here buddy..." I say holding out my arm as i scoot a little bit making space between me and Lana. 

I lift him up and over me putting him between us and he makes himself comfortable. I smile as Lana in her sleep pulls Oscar closer but also grabs my arm pulling it over them so i am now holding them both. I kiss her forehead and she hums... "Thank you..." She whispers and i can see she has woken up. Oscar is already asleep again. "Dont worry i got you." I whisper smiling.

I wake up the next morning, but the bed is empty. The storm has gone down and it was quiet outside... As i lay in bed waking up a bit more i listen to the sounds coming out of the kitchen. Oscar is playing with the dogs what i can hear. I smell breakfast, my stomach starts growling so i get up and dressed walking out into the kitchen. 

"Chris!" Oscar squeals running up to me jumping in my arms. I pick him up. "Did you sleep okay buddy?" I ask him. He nods shyly. "Mommy is making pancakes..." He says smiling. I look at Lana who is smiling at us while she makes breakfast. "Did you sleep okay?" She asks me. "Like a baby..." I say smiling. "You?" I ask... She nods blushing and it is the cutest thing ever. "So... I was wondering since it is Saturday... Do you guys want to do something today? It is not the nicest weather, but something tells me that doesn't stop you two..." I say smiling

"Can we mommy?" Oscar asks his mother excited looking at her with puppy dog eyes. I chuckle as i look at Lana. "If Chris has nothing better to do... Then sure we can do something. What did you have in mind?" She says smiling. 

"Well i thought we could stop by my house so i can freshen up and change... And i have heard something about you two liking to go outside... So... I thought maybe a walk with the dogs and then maybe watch a movie?" I say smiling. Lana nods. "Sounds good to me... What do you think Oscar?" She asks him. "Yesss..." He says putting his hands in the air making us both laugh. "Well, we are going to eat breakfast first... and then you have to get changed... otherwise we can't go out." Lana tells him as he excitedly jumps up and down making us both laugh.

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