Chapter 96

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Lana pov...

Time is flying by... My birthday although not celebrated has come and gone... Oscar was now having summer break from school.... Our wedding planning was as good as done and our wedding day was getting closer and closer... Carly's kids were here 3 days of the week, so she and Ryan didn't have to rearrange their whole work lives around the summer break. I took them on day trips to the aquarium or the science museum... We even went on hikes... I was loving it... Oscar loved playing with them, and they were all having a great time... 

I was loving it... The house was chaos all day kids screaming and yelling having fun and sometimes i was daydreaming about what it would be like if Chris and i had more kids. I couldn't wait to see Chris with a baby the thought of it alone made my biological clock go haywire... I hadn't stopped my birth control yet because i wanted to wait until after the wedding...

I wanted to have a glass of the delicious champagne we had chosen to be served at the wedding... I want to be able to eat of the delicious menu we had put together without getting nauseous... I just wanted to be able to let loose and have a good time... Dance with my husband... I couldn't wait to be in his arms twirled around on the dancefloor... I couldn't wait to be announced for the first time as husband and wife... But first we still had my little surprise for Chris...

I was excited... We had already celebrated Chris his birthday with his friends and family... Just a small get together... We had given Chris some small gifts but i still had not told him what the big surprise is... We would leave in a few days and at the airport Oscar was going to tell him were we were going... It was killing Oscar that he was not able to talk about it with Chris because he was so excited... But he loved that it was going to be a surprise for his dad and that it would be our first little family vacation together... 

The only thing getting a bit on the back burner was my work... But i kept telling myself after the wedding i would catch up again... Chris told me he had planned the honeymoon already. I was so curious, but he kept his lips sealed... Not even a hint... I was not even allowed to pack my own bag... Carly was going to do that... Our honeymoon was going to be 2 weeks and Oscar was going to stay with Carly... We hadn't told him that we would go on a vacation without him... I just hoped he wouldn't be to upset for being away from us for 2 weeks. 

We hadn't had our childfree weekend yet because something always came up... Life is chaos... But i love it. I hear the front door open and close and look surprised as Carly walks in smiling. "Hey i was off early so i thought i would come and safe you from my adorable monsters..." She said and sat down at the counter making me chuckle. 

"Do you want some tea?" I asked after hugging her and she smiled and nodded her head. I make us some tea and we sit down having a comfortable conversation. My phone rings and while i am laughing about a joke Carly has made i answer... I tell her to only pack the clothes for the honeymoon the rest i could do myself... It felt a bit weird letting her pack all my underwear and such... Carly agreed, and she smirked at me. "It is killing you not knowing isn't it...?" She said and i sighed nodding my head. "Dont worry you will love it i promise..." Carly said and i groaned. "Of course, you know where we are going..." I whined and Carly laughed. 

"I think it is his way of getting back at me for not telling him anything about my dress... and for not telling him what the surprise is going to be this weekend..." I said and Carly chuckled. "You two like to surprise torture each other..." She said and i laughed loudly... "Can't help it... I like him all worked up..." I said smirking. "Ew.... La la la la la la la... Too much information..." She said putting her fingers in her ear and i laughed hard. "I'll stop... I promise..." I said smirking and she removed her fingers from her ears. 

 "Are you sure having Oscar for 2 weeks while we are on our honeymoon is going to be, okay?" I ask and Carly nodded... "3 kids... 4 kids... I dont think it makes a whole lot of difference anymore..." Carly said smiling and i chuckled. "I love having them over... So does Oscar... I can't wait until Chris and i have more kids..." I mumble and Carly looks at me with the biggest grin on her face. 

"You and Chris talked about it?" She asked and i nodded blushing. "As you know we lost our baby... and well Chris and i talked and after the wedding i am going of birth control... If it were up to Chris i would already be pregnant again... But i want to really enjoy my wedding so... Plus i needed to grief losing the baby..." I said and Carly took my hand giving it a little squeeze... "You will have the family you always have dreamed off Lana... I know you will..." She said and i smiled back at her. 

My phone rang as i was laughing and joking with Carly and without checking who it was i picked up.

"Is this Mrs. Evans?" A voice said and i smiled at Carly. "Soon to be... yes..." I said still smiling but the voice was serious so i composed myself. "Chris... Mr. Evans is on his way to the hospital following an accident on the set..." The voice said and the blood drained of my face... "Is he okay?" I whisper and the voice on the other side stayed silent for a minute. "He was unconscious..." The voice said and i took a deep breath. "Which hospital..." I said and the voice told me. 

I looked at Carly who was looking at me panicked. "Can you watch the kids? I have to go to the hospital..." I said through my tears as i tried to keep it together and Carly nodded... "Yes... Go go go... I will let the rest of the family know..." She said and i nodded. 

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