Chapter 39

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Chris pov...

I am driving home with Oscar in the back and halfway home he had fallen asleep. I smile looking into my rear-view mirror... He was tired from running around with Carly's kids and doing all sorts of activities... I loved that he got along with the others so amazingly well... My heart melted when he called Carly, auntie Carly... and called ma... Grandma... 

Ma told me she didn't know if Lana was okay with that, but she didn't have the heart to tell Oscar not to... He heard the other kids call her that and just copied them... But it made ma so happy... The same was the case for Carly... All she said that she was finally an aunt... I told them i would talk with Lana about it but i didn't really see a problem... I dont think Lana would mind if they didn't mind... If only it showed that they really were already a part of the family... 

After talking with ma and Carly we decided to not uninvite Tara and her family... Ma said it was better to not throw oil on the fire... and to at least give Tara a chance to get to know Lana and Oscar...

Carly and ma would help keep an eye on Tara knowing she could be quite blunt sometimes... We just hoped that Tara could behave... But ma made it known that she was not above throwing Tara out... Carly agreed and after pushing a bit about it some more stories came to the surface... 

Carly had asked if really nothing ever happened between Tara and i and i just looked at her stunned because nothing has ever happened... I never thought of her like that... But apparently Tara had told Carly that something had happened in the past... 

I assured Carly and ma that nothing ever happened and that i would honestly tell them if something had... I asked them why they hadn't asked me sooner and they both shrugged their shoulders telling me it wasn't really their place... Besides Tara claimed it happened before she and her husband met and that it was all in the past... But again, i told them nothing had ever happened... No kisses no sex... nothing... 

I just wanted to get through thanksgiving and then go low contact with Tara... Ma had planned on asking Tara to join us for Christmas but that was not going to happen now... We would keep it to just family... I was relieved at that and told them i really wanted to do it at my place because of what i had found out through Oscar about their Christmases in the past... 

Ma and Carly really liked this idea and i just told them i wanted to go all out this Christmas... I wanted to decorate the whole house and have a big tree with lots of presents under it... I wanted everyone to stay over so we could open presents with the whole family in the morning... We decided that after thanksgiving we would discuss the details... 

I arrived home and carefully lifted Oscar out of his car seat smiling... He was out like a light... I walked in the house and got greeted by the dogs who were confused at the sleeping boy on my arm... Lana looked up from her book... "What is this?" She said chuckling standing up and walking over to me... "He is out like a light..." I said smiling.

We put him to bed and walked back to the living room... Lana cuddled into me on the couch and i told her about everything that Oscar had done with ma and Carly's kids... and that he had the biggest smile on his face when i walked in... "I am so happy that he loves spending time with your family so much..." Lana whispered. 

"There is one thing i have to talk with you about though..." I said smiling and Lana looked up at me. "If you are not okay with it just say so and we will talk with Oscar, okay?" I said and she looked at me a bit unsure. "Ooookay..." She said and i smiled kissing her. 

"Oscar calls ma... grandma... and Carly aunt Carly..." I said smiling... "Really?" Lana said still looking a bit unsure... "Yes really..." I said and she gave me a little smile. "Was she okay with that?" Lana asked and i nodded... 

"Yes, ma is over the moon about it... I think he copied the other kids... She is okay with it and didn't want to correct him or tell him no because she wants him to feel part of the family... But still if you are not okay with it..." I said and Lana shook her head... "If she is okay with it... I am okay with it..." Lana said with tears in her eyes and i pulled her closer hugging her tight... 

"You two are part of our family sweetheart... whether you like it or not..." I said smirking and Lana chuckled... "I like it very much..." She whispered. I let out a sigh of relief deep down i knew Lana wouldn't mind but you never know... 

"Good because i think ma is overjoyed and is not giving up the title of grandma of Oscar... and Carly said she was finally and aunt and wasn't giving up that title either..." I said chuckling. 

Lana sat up and looked at me... "We need to discuss your title though..." She whispered. "I dont want to force Oscar and let it come on his own terms... But there might come a day when he calls you dad... I mean he already asked if you will be his dad in the future..." She whispered and i grinned. 

"I dont want to force him about that either... and if it never comes i am okay with that... But i would be so proud if he calls me that someday..." I said and she blushed... 

"But now that we are on the subject of being called dad... Do you want more kids in the future?" I asked her and she smiled. "I always dreamed of a big family..." She whispered and my smile grew bigger... "You?" She asked and i chuckled... "I would love a big family... But i leave the number up to you..." I whisper and she giggles... 

"I can already see it little Lana's running around..." I whisper and she giggles... "Or little Chris's..." She mumbled cuddling into me more... "But not just yet..." She said looking up at me and i cupped her face smiling. "Yes, not just yet..." I said and kissed her... We sat on the couch for a bit neither one of us saying a word both in our own heads with our own thoughts but enjoying the silence and each other's company...

I was having a little daydream of our future... and i couldn't help but smile... After a while we decided to go to bed... I took the dogs for a quick walk and checked up on Oscar before walking into our bedroom... I chuckled because Lana was also out like a light... I got ready for bed and cuddled up to her wrapping her in my arms pulling her close and i drifted off in a peaceful sleep...

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