Chapter 100

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Chris pov...

"I dont want you to go...." I whined and Lana smiled and kissed me again. "I know baby... I dont really like it either... But it is tradition and bad luck to see the bride..." Lana said but i cut her off by kissing her passionately. We were hiding out from my family who were annoyingly trying to take Lana to ma's... Tomorrow would be our wedding day and we both were dreading sleeping apart... 

"CHRIS...! LANA...!"  We heard a voice yell from the hallway and i pulled Lana into our closet closing the door behind me out of sight from prying eyes and annoying family members who wanted to take my girl away from me. 

Lana giggled and i kissed her again to muffle her sounds. "Shhh baby... I am going to hide you out here..." I whispered and she pulled me in for another kiss this time shutting me up... 

"Chris..." Lana whispered out of breath and i groaned as it sounded so sexy how she said my name. "Yeah baby..." I mumbled in between kisses as i let my hands roam all over her enjoying the effect my touch has on her... The little shivers and goosebumps... The little moans and gasps as i teased her... I wanted it printed in my mind even if it was only for one night apart...

"I stopped taking my birth control ..." She whispered into the kiss... I stopped kissing and touching her and put my finger under her chin making her look at me... "Can you repeat that sweetheart..." I whispered hovering my lips over hers. "I stopped taking birth control..." She said again swallowing hard her voice wavering a bit... "And why is that sweetheart..." I whispered with a grin on my face. 

"Because i want a baby..." She whispers and i take in sharp breath as her words go directly to my dick making it twitch... "I want you to put a baby in me... breed me..." She whispers and i groan... I grab her face with one hand and with the other i push my pants down... I let my hand glide under her dress rubbing her over her clothed core... 

"You better be quiet sweetheart because they are looking for us..." I growl before kissing her hard and she whimpers. I push her panties to the side still kissing her and I wrap my hands around my shaft and in one swift move i thrust into her making her whimper into the kiss and i can't help but smirk. 

I push her legs further apart for better access as i thrust into her hard and fast the little vanity shaking slamming against the wall. "Oh god right there yes..." She moans as she wraps her arms around me her hands now on my back. "Going to make you a mommy again sweetheart..." I grunt and she whimpers again. "Going to fill you with my cum... Fuck you are going to be so beautiful pregnant..." I growl. 

I keep thrusting into her over and over again fast and hard because i know that at any moment we are going to get caught... After a few more thrusts i cum filling her up and i kiss her to shut her up as she follows soon after. She giggles as we are catching our breaths. "We should go... Your family is waiting to whisk me away..." Lana says pouting and i sigh cupping her face with both hand and i kiss her again. "Dont go..." I whisper and she sighs... "We promised Chris..." She says putting her arms around my waist and holding me tight... We both sigh before kissing again. "

Are you guys in here...?" We all of a sudden hear and i Lana starts to giggle as i pull out of her and pull up my pants. I quickly get out of the closet, so Lana gets time to adjust her clothes. "Hey bro..." I say patting Scott's shoulders and he looks at me confused. "Ma and i have been looking for you... It is time to go..." Scott says and i sigh. "Sure... Sure... Sure..." I say and then the closet door opens, and Lana comes out smirking. "Hello Scott..." She says trying to keep a straight face.

"What... Why..." Scott says and all of a sudden it is like a penny drops in his head... "Seriously!!! With us in the house?!" He says with a disgusted look on his face and i start laughing while Lana blushes. "You two are the worst... It is only one night..." Scott says shaking his head... and now both Lana and i laugh... "Stop whining Scott... It is bad enough you guys are making us sleep apart tonight..." I say letting out a sigh and Scott just looks down and shakes his head. 

"Here you guys all are... Lana sweetheart we are ready to go... Are you...?" Ma says as she walks into our bedroom oblivious to the whole situation. "Can you guys give Chris and i a moment... I will be right there..." Lana says and Scott rolls his eyes, but ma drags him out of the bedroom. 

"Dont go..." I say again and Lana shakes her head. "Just behave tonight... and please make sure Oscar goes to bed early... I dont want him cranky tomorrow..." Lana says and i smile. "Dont worry baby... We all will go to bed early today... Big day tomorrow..." I whisper softly before kissing her again pulling her as close as possible.

"I am going to miss you..." She whispers holding me a bit tighter and i sigh. "Going to miss you more..." I mumble and she pulls back. I take her suitcase which she packed while she had banned me from the bedroom... and take her hand walking her to the front door were ma is waiting for her. Scott is going to stay here, and we all will leave early to go to the venue to get ready there... We all could have slept there but ma didn't wanted risk us sneaking off to each other... 

After Lana has hugged Oscar goodbye, she kisses me again hugging me and i dont want to let her go but ma and Scott break us off and i watch as she leaves with ma. When she is finally out of sight i turn around and Scott and Oscar are looking at me as if i have gone completely crazy... 

"GAMENIGHT...!" Oscar and Scott yell together and i chuckle following them as they run off to get a game set up... I smile as my phone dings and Lana tells me she misses us already and that she loves me so much...

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