Chapter 51

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Lana pov...

The house was chaos... Everyone had arrived and had settled in... Oscar was running around in the snow outside with Carly's kids, the dogs and Chris Scot and Carly's husband Ryan... The plan was to just order pizza tonight... Watch a movie with the kids or play games whatever we are in the mood for... The kids would leave out milk and cookies for Santa and after they had gone to sleep, we would put the presents under the tree... 

Then in the morning we would all have breakfast together and open presents... Chris and i had bought everyone matching Christmas pjs and put them on their beds... The kids were all sleeping in Oscar's room... Carly and Ryan had a room to themselves... Lisa had a guest room to herself. Shanna was sleeping in Chris his office on the pull-out couch... And Scott in my office on an air mattress...  

Like i said it was chaos... But i loved it... I was in the kitchen putting everything out to make Christmas cookies with the kids... "How are you doing after everything that happened?" Carly asked sitting down at the kitchen counter... "I am good..." I said smiling. "We are all so sorry about Tara..." Carly said letting out a sigh looking sad... I walked over to her and hugged her... 

"First of all, it is nobody's fault... Second... How are you doing?  I mean she was your friend to..." I asked and she shrugged her shoulders letting out a sigh... 

"She was closer to my siblings and for the reason we know now especially Chris... I mean she was at major family events and holidays but i didn't have the connection with her my brothers and sister had... I dont know we never really clicked on a deeper level... I always had this weird feeling about her and pushed it aside... Now i wish i hadn't and had dug deeper... I mean after she lied to me about something happening between her and Chris.... I should have known..." She said and i sighed.

"She kept it well hidden from everyone... Even her own husband... So please dont feel guilty... Let's enjoy Christmas and have fun... Let's not have her ruin anything else..." I said smiling and hugged Carly again who chuckled... "You are right... just wanted you to know i am really happy to have you and Oscar in our lives... You two make my brother really happy..." She said and i blushed... "You guys have to stop saying that one of these days i am going to be permanently red as a tomato... But i am the lucky one really..." I said smiling... 

After my little talk with Carly, we called in the kids and made Christmas cookies... The kitchen was a mess... Flower and coloring everywhere but i didn't care the smiles on their faces was worth it... 

The guys were watching some game on TV and Lisa was helping me clean up the kitchen while Shanna and Carly took the kids out to walk the dogs... We heard screaming coming from the living room and i smiled... "I wanted to give you something..." Lisa said pulling me out of my little daze... I looked at her confused as she gave me a little gift... "I didn't want to put it under the tree i wanted to give you this in person..." She said smiling as i took the little box from her... 

I opened the box and looked at it in shock... "They are beautiful... But this is way too much..." I whisper but Lisa shakes her head... "When i got married... My mom gave me this diamond bracelet who she got from her mom and she from hers... I had the diamonds taken off as i dont really wear bracelets and have had made 5 sets of earrings... For me, my daughters and for the wives of my sons... Well i think if Scott ever gets married i will have them put in his wedding bands or something..." Lisa said smiling and i just looked at her shocked... 

"But Chris and i aren't married..." I whisper... "No... But i have a feeling you and Oscar will be sticking around..." She said and had the biggest smile on her face... "I wanted to give you something to welcome you in the family and something that shows that we really all think you are amazing..." Lisa said and i blushed again..."They are absolutely beautiful... Thank you..." I whispered and hugged her... "Just promise me if you and Chris ever have a little girl to pass them on one day... Or if it will be only Oscar that you will give them to him..." She said smiling...

I hugged her again and she smiled... "I will wear them tomorrow at Christmas dinner..." I said smiling. "I'll go tell Chris to go order the pizzas for dinner..." I say and Lisa smiled nodding... "Do you mind if i go lay down before dinner for a bit?" Lisa asks and i smile... "Of course, not..." I say smiling... I walk to the bedroom and i hear Carly, Shanna and the kids and dogs coming back home... Carly is yelling for everyone to get showered and cleaned up before dinner and i can hear the kid go to Oscars bedroom and I can hear Carly and Shanna laugh as they walk to their own rooms for the night...  and put the box in my sock drawer... I then walk to the living room... 

Chris smiles and pulls me into his lap... "Can you order the pizzas please?" I ask as he plants kisses in my neck... Scott and Ryan are oblivious to what Chris is doing as they are too focused on some game on the TV... "I will in a minute..." Chris says smirking... "Did ma give you her present already..." He whispers with a big smile on his face... I blush and nod... "Yes, she has... They are beautiful..." I whisper and Chris grins before he plants his lips in my neck again and sucks on my pulse point... I bite my lip, but a giggle escapes and Scott looks our way...

"Oh god really... You two are nauseating sometimes... Get a room!" Scott says rolling his eyes... Chris and i burst out laughing... "We have one... and i am more than happy to use it..." Chris says smirking at his little brother... "CHRIS!!" I say slapping his chest and this makes him laugh even harder and Scott makes gagging noises... as if he need to throw up... 

"Christopher behave and i will make it worth your while when everyone is back at their own homes..." I whisper in his ear, and he looks at me with the biggest grin on his face... "CARLY!!!" Chris yells and Carly walks into the living room... "Can you take Oscar for a night after Christmas..." Chris says grinning... "Oh my god really..." Scott says shaking his head and i just laugh shaking my head... 

"I would be happy to... Mom and dad need some alone time every now and then..." Carly says smirking... "I am going to make you scream my name so loud..." Chris whispers in my ear and i giggle... "Okay lover boy can you order pizza now..." I say getting of his lap and he nods pulling out his phone... 

"Just remember that it goes both ways... Whenever you want a night with your husband just call and we can take the kids for a night" I say looking at Carly and she smiles. "I will take you up on that soon..." She says smiling... "OH YEAH!" Ryan all of a sudden says loudly and we all look at him and start laughing except for Scott who just groans... 

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