Chapter 98

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Chris pov...

"A concussion... Arm broken in 2 places and some bruised ribs..." The doctor says and i sigh. I look at Lana who just quietly shakes her head a disappointed look on her face. "The arm has to be in a cast and bruised ribs will hurt for a while... The concussion will heal on its own... You just have to wake you up every few hours to make sure everything is okay..." The doctor says and Lana nods. "How long will the ribs and arm take?" Lana asks and the doctor smiles at her. "The arm will be about 6 weeks... The ribs well that depends on how easy he will take things..." The doctor said and i sighed.  "But after we have put a cast on him you can take him home..." The doctor says and she nods. 

The doctor leaves but Lana doesn't even look at me. "Baby..." I say taking her hand, but she pulls it away... I can see she is fighting all sorts of emotions and i feel like such a dick... I didn't have to do the stunt... "I am sorry baby..." I whisper and Lana sighs. "It is okay... It was an accident..." She mumbles but she doesn't even look at me. "I am going to have to cancel the trip... I am going to try and find a cup of coffee... You want something?" She mumbles and i shake my head before she stands up and walks out the room... 

I groan and sigh laying back down in the bed... Shit the trip i hadn't even thought about the surprise trip... I dont even know where we would be going... Lana walked back holding a cup of coffee and sat back beside me. "I am so sorry you have to cancel baby..." I whispered and she looked at me with tears in her eyes. "It's okay... Disney isn't going anywhere..." She mumbled and i groaned... "Really... Disney?" I asked and she nodded. "Yep..." She said taking a deep breath and again i was about to say something when there was a knock on the door. 

The put my arm in a sling and i smiled at Lana as she held my other hand as it hurt what they were doing. "I am sorry i let you down..." I whispered and she looked at me and smiled. "I am just happy you are okay... I just got scared..." She whispered and stood up kissing me. 

My cast was set and after it had hardened i could leave. Lana went to get the discharge papers and i sighed. She had planned this trip to Disney... Our first official family trip and i had to let my ego do the thinking saying i could do the stunt which ended up going wrong and now she has to cancel our first family trip... The surprise she and Oscar were so excited for especially Oscar... He was so looking forward to it... He was so proud for being able to keep it a surprise and now i had ruined it...

Lana came back with the papers and after she helped me with the paperwork, she helped me in the wheelchair and started to wheel me out. "I think i kind of like this..." Lana said leaning down whispering in my ear and i chuckle. "You... totally surrendered to my mercy..." She whispered and i laughed which led to a shooting pain through my ribs and she said sorry over and over again. 

She helped me in the car and after she put the wheelchair away, she got in the driver's seat. "Baby... Before we go look at me..." I said and she looked up at me. "I am sorry... I dont know what i was thinking... I should have thought it through..." I said and she sighed looking at me... 

"Chris... It is not only you anymore... You have a son now... I know it is all new and i can't expect you to live totally different and your job is your job... and accidents happen... but please we can't live without you... And please never lie to me again... But i am really happy you are okay... I was so worried..." Lana said and i sighed taking her hand in mine and kissing the back of it. 

"I am sorry baby... I promise i will be careful in the future and no more lies about injuries..." I said giving her a little smile. "Good... I forgive you... Now all you have to do is deal with your mother at home... She is waiting for you there..." Lana said and i groaned. "Nooooo.... Please baby... You have to protect me..." I said pouting at her, and she chuckled. 

"Mr. tough guy who thinks he can do his own stunts need protection from his mommy?" She said smirking and whined again... "Well, the stunt did not go well did it... So yes, i need protection..." I said pouting again and Lana shook her head. "We are not married yet sweetheart... So... Sorry can't help you there..." She said smirking and i sighed. 

"The painkillers are starting to wear off..." I mumble and Lana sighs. "I called Scott... He is picking up you prescription... We get you in bed at home and resting..." Lana said. "Will you lay with me..." I said in a small voice and Lana smiled and she nodded. "Sure... But i think Oscar is going to want to lay with you first..." Lana says and i smile. "I hope he doesn't hate me for ruining the trip..." I say and Lana sighs. "We will go to Disney eventually..." She says and i nod. 

We arrive home and Lana helps me out of the car... My whole body is now hurting. The front door opens, and Carly and ma appear, and ma does not look happy... "Christopher Robert Evans...! What were you thinking...!" She says but Lana motions something and she stops to my surprise. "Yelling later... He needs to lay down first..." Lana says and i let out a sigh of relief. 

They help me to the bedroom and i lay down happy to be home but when i look up Lana has walked out of the bedroom leaving me with ma and Carly... And i know it is going to be a long day...

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