Chapter 203

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Dogday felt nervous hearing that Frowny Fox wanted to talk to him, he felt a bit scared because as he was being torn in half (again) he saw Frowny Fox there... just watching it happen, and doing nothing to help. He felt hurt knowing that Frowny did nothing to help him, but he did understand Killy Willy was tough and he knew that William was his friend back when they were both kids. He didn't blame Frowny at all for not helping, he was okay sacrificing himself if it meant others could be saved, but then Poppy had given him the news that Jax was taken, and that broke Dogday.

It was a while for Dogday to get downstairs, but with the help of Bitty Kitty and Sharp Charm he was able to get down the stairs and on the couch where he lay down and turned his head to Frowny nodding to let him know that he was listening to what the fox had to say. Frowny took a deep breath before he spoke "Dogday I am so sorry for what I did, if it weren't for me you would still have Sunshine, or Jax with you, you wouldn't have to be in pain over and over again, and you wouldn't have to miss school, and miss the students, and miss-" Dogday put a paw up signaling for Frowny to be silent. "Frowny, I can't forgive you for this... I understand that you were scared, and under pressure by the CEO and your friend William, but that doesn't excuse you putting my life in danger, or Sunshine's life, or even Jax' life" Dogday said frowning at the fox in front of him. "Peer pressure isn't a good thing, but that doesn't mean you didn't have a choice, the CEO seemed to love you and Killy Willy the most, he wouldn't have killed you guys for saying no.." Dogday said as he lay back down staring at the ceiling. "I get it though, you were afraid and fear can make someone go mad, so mad in fact it can cause others to kill, and lose their sanity" Dogday sounded tired. "We were all human, and it's upsetting how humans can be so cruel to others when it comes to fears, some will help others through those fears, others will hurt others by using those fears against them" Dogday went silent for a while, everyone thought he was asleep but he turned his head to look at Frowny again before sighing "I'm sorry Frowny, give me enough time, and I'll forgive you eventually, but right now is not the time" he spoke in a low voice. Frowny nodded and got up to leave, but Dogday stopped him. "I heard the new schedules are going to be chaotic for everyone" Dogday said as everyone around started to agree and talk over one another. "Don't worry, we will stop these schedules, but for now, we got to try them out tomorrow" he explains to everyone as they all nod their heads in agreement.

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