Chapter 387

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Catnap finally went to a classroom away from each of his friends, he felt angry that Dogday didn't stand up for him, he thought he and Dogday were good friends, best friends, he guesses that was all a lie, just like Killy had warned him. "I should've listened to Killy instead of coming to school today, this day can't possibly get worse" as he said this and walked into the classroom he was met with a loud class is kid playing recorders the sounds coming from the recorders hurt Catnap's ears and he knew this was going to be giving him a headache every day after school. As he walks into the classroom the kids all stop playing their recorders and the teacher looks at him a bit concerned about why he was in her room. "Hello Catnap, what brings you here?" she asks as Catnap just remains silent and walks to the back of the classroom. "Are you okay?" the teacher tries again, Miss Delight and her sisters are known for their kindness and patience but if you don't open up with them, they'll be known to pry a bit asking over and over until they get their answer. "I'm fine, just continue with your class please" he said avoiding her gaze as she then allowed the students to continue learning on their recorders. Catnap's ears were pinned to his head the whole time and he wore a glare on his face with every high note that the kids played, some of the kids were born talented and got the hang of the recorders playing them beautifully, but others seem to just like to blow them for fun and play them as loudly as possible despite them not playing the right songs or notes on the papers in front of them. Catnap glances at one of the students who was trying to play their recorder while also looking at the paper in front of them, but the paper seem to keep flopping over in front of them and the student seemed to be getting upset, they dropped the recorder on the floor, crossed their arms, and stared at the ground glaring. Catnap looked at the kid for some time, but he knew he had to step in, Miss Delight's sister was already occupied with other students needing help. He took a deep breath and walked over to the kid silently picking up the recorder he gently placed it in the kid's hand and held it there, the kid looked at him with an unassuming expression and Catnap just rolled his eyes "you can't give up so easily" he spoke to the kid, but the kid just laughed. "I can and I already did, the recorder is a stupid instrument that I have no intention of playing, ever" as the kid said this another kid next to them stopped playing "well I think the recorder is fun" the kid said with a glare turning towards the kid who had insulted the instrument.

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