Chapter 251

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As Dogday falls victim to the red poppy gas the CEO had delivered within his office and all started to go black he took one last look at the suits in front of him, "wha..?" was all he had time to say before he fell to the ground asleep. The CEO was left to watch him but after a while, after getting the call he decided to just get it over with. He needed those voice lines for the cardboard cutouts. The scientists had started to work as soon as they got to the lab under the CEO's office. Dogday's organs, bones, brain, everything was swapped out of his body into a newer version.

When Dogday had awoken from the poppy gas he was shocked to see himself tied up to an examination table yet again. He growled but didn't move, he knew if he moved it wouldn't matter since the binds were tight enough to the point they were digging into his skin under his fur. He sighed loudly causing some of the scientists around him to jump and quickly look at him in shock. "You're actually alive?" one asks as Dogday raises a brow to him. "Why wouldn't I be?" he asks as the scientists all look at each other with worried expressions under their masks. Dogday just shakes his head as the CEO walks in "it's done?" he asks the scientists as they all mumble either yes or nod their heads while backing away. The CEO walks up to Dogday quickly and looks him in the eyes. "Alright Dogday, well I hope you enjoy your new body" the CEO smiled as he unlocked Dogday from the restraints and got him up and moving again. Dogday was confused at first before he looked closer at himself and realized that he really was in a new body. "Wait what? What's with this new body?" he questions suspiciously as the CEO laughs a bit "it's no big deal Dogday I just wanted to help you out is all" as the CEO said this though Dogday noticed that he was gently running his finger over his broken wrist making Dogday frown, but he quickly smiles again, and asks when he can see his friends again, but the CEO laughs a bit before replying "you can see them again, don't worry, I just need a few voice lines from you" as he said this Dogday looked at him confused tilting his head towards the CEO, he continues to explain to Dogday. "You see Dogday, the cardboard cutouts are going to help this company survive for a long time to come. "When we get them going people will love them, and you guys will become even more popular and loved by everyone, I even got a script for you to read from" the CEO handed Dogday a script for him to read "Dogday... says fetch?" he spoke in a confused manner towards the CEO making the guy laugh. "It'll make sense when we go over it in my office.

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