Chapter 217

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As Miss Delight went to check on Dogday he was asleep with all the children around him. Miss Delight didn't want to move them all, but she knew they had to be moved, so she gently moved all the children to their beds, and put a blanket on Dogday. She walked back to her assigned bedroom and fell asleep, but when she woke up she saw Dogday laying at the foot of her bed, on her feet to be exact. She sighs but gently pets the pup's ears making they twitch a bit at the contact. She smiles a bit and shuffles her feet out from underneath Dogday's chest. She slowly walks out of the room and into the children's bedroom getting ready for the day as it's the weekend. They had busy weekend schedules at Home Sweet Home. It was a good hour and a half later all the kids were awake and ready for the day, Dogday was still asleep.

As the day progressed Dogday was still sleeping, and it worried Miss Delight. She put her hand on Dogday's forehead and actually looked surprised when it felt hot. 'They mascots can get fevers?' she thinks confused. She thinks about how she can deal with this and ultimately decides to get Catnap. Miss Delight grabbed a phone from the wall and dialed up Dogday's house hoping someone would be there, someone picked up on the first ring "Dogday's resistance, Catnap speaking" she heard over the line "just the cat I'm looking for" she said with a smile "hey Miss Delight, how's everything?" Catnap asks politely as Miss Delight answers "everything's going okay.. but Dogday is a little feverish and I was wondering if you'd be so kind as to come and help, I'm not very good with you guys and fevers, I wasn't sure if you guys could even get fevers" she said as Catnap listened before answering "I'll be right there, just need to bring some stuff first" and after that Catnap hung up.

Miss Delight looked back at Dogday under the blanket curled up whimpering a bit in his sleep. She gently shook him awake causing him to sit up quickly and look around, but immediately he got dizzy and fell forward hiding his head in his paws. "Don't be ashamed Dogday it's okay, Catnap will be here at any moment" she told the sick dog as his eyes looked tired from the busy day he had. Miss Delight waited a good hour or so for Catnap to show up, and once he did he had his paws full of stuff. He ran over to Dogday with a small smile and handed him Picky Piggy's soup. "This will help you, and also.." he gently nuzzles the top of Dogday's head earning a low whine from the canine. "I'm sorry we couldn't go through the factory..." he said looking at his hind paws that were covered with a blanket. "It's okay, we can go wherever you get better" Catnap said with a smile as Dogday finished his soup, and Catnap tucked him back into bed. "Night night Dogday, I'll take care of Bitty Kitty and Sharp Charm while he's here" Catnap told Miss Delight who nodded her head and smiled softly as the cat left her with a sleeping sick dog.

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