Chapter 243

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The CEO stood in his office with a bunch of wooden cardboard cutouts of each of his characters in the factory. "I just need voice lines from each of them" he said out loud as someone knocked on his door "come on" he said still looking at the cardboard cutouts as one of his new security guards came in "sir, Craftycorn and Bubba Bubbaphant are here" as he heard this he smirks "let them in" he said as he attempts to look as normal as he could. Craftycorn and Bubba Bubbaphant both came inside the CEO's office looking a bit confused and nervous. As the CEO walks over to them Bubba gets in front of Craftycorn protectively trying to shield her from the CEO who lets out a sigh and rolls his eyes. "Relax Bubba, I'm not going to do anything to you or your girlfriend, I just need certain voice lines for these cutouts right here" he shows them all the cutouts he had and they were a bit confused about it, but as they saw nothing bad, they both agreed to do voice lines of their choices. "Anything you want to say, you can say it and I'll modify them and put them into these cutouts and lay them out around the Playcare-" as he said that Crafty and Bubba shook their heads "you can get another person to do that, you're still banned" Crafty spoke up as the CEO looked annoyed but understood and agreed to their terms. "I'll get one of my security guards to set them up around the place, and you guys can choose what to do with them after that" he spoke calmly on the outside, but he was mad. "Alright, let's do this" said Bubba as he and Crafty were getting prepared to do their voice lines, wouldn't be the first time they had to do this, besides they did it all the time for their cartoon.

Picky and Frowny looked at each other and then at Bobby. "Why'd they go with CEO?" Frowny asks Bobby but only gets a small shrug for an answer. "I'm not sure but I told them if they don't come back after twenty four hours I'm going to find them, and bury the CEO alive" as she said this both Frowny and Picky backed away with nervous laughter and smiles. "Don't worry it's a threat, but don't take it seriously... or at least not TOO seriously" she spoke as Picky and Frowny looked at each other backing away "we will see you at my place, see you there Bobby!" as Picky and Frowny turned to run they heard Bobby muttering to herself, something about being lost without someone. They had no idea, but they didn't want to stay around long enough to find out.

Dogday was being dragged away by the same hand who took Jax. Dogday was screaming for help, but Small Frown and Shade couldn't escape as Jax was in one vent and the clawed hand was blocking the other dragging Dogday across the floor. Jax looked towards the two and quietly opened his vent, it was dangerous he knew, but he had to let the plushies out, he loved the plushies more then anything, and wanted them safe. "Go" he spoke and Shade and Small Frown ran through the vents as Jax closed them and listened to Dogday screaming for help, but knowing by the time help arrived it would be too late.

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