Chapter 329

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Catnap was frozen in place. 'The prototype was with Killy Willy...' he thought as he whole body felt a chill run up his spine. "Frowny... you remember the prototype?" he asks as Frowny nods. "Killy Willy and the prototype are down there... you gave them parts..." Catnap said as Frowny looked ready to pass out. "Are-Are you serious?" he asks as he began to shake in fear of what he just done. "I gave him friends to.. to use!?" Frowny started to panic, but Catnap just wrapped his arms and tail around Frowny in a comforting embrace as Frowny started to break down crying. "I thought I was doing the right thing... I'm so sorry.. I didn't know..." Catnap held Frowny and pat his back "it's okay, you didn't know" he reassured his friend. Frowny felt bad for what he did, but he had no ideas about how he could fix his mistakes. "We will figure out something, don't worry" Catnap smiles as he pats Frowny's shoulder. He frowns as he takes in Frowny's little area. "Hey... since Dogday isn't here, do you maybe want to stay at his place?" Catnap asks but Frowny shakes his head "I couldn't do that.. plus Sharp Charm and Bitty Kitty might not accept me there" Frowny smiles towards Catnap. "Frowny.. you're family to us all, you shouldn't be out here alone" Catnap said as he took Frowny's paw in his own. "You're not alone here in the Playcare, yes you have these three angels, but you also have all of the rest of the Smiling Critters, we'd all be more then happy to let you stay with either of us" Catnap kept trying to remind Frowny. Frowny Fox was conflicted though, he didn't think he deserved to stay with the critters especially since he's called 'frowny' not smiling like the rest. "Hey" he looked towards Catnap as the cat smiled at him "it's okay, we're family" at that Frowny Fox looks at Catnap and started to laugh with tears in his eyes. "Oh my gosh Catnap.. you sound just like Dogday" he says this and Catnap also smiles and begins laughing "I do don't I?" they're both laughing as the dome's night cycle begins. They both look up at the sky with smiles on their faces. "You might not be a 'Smiling' Critter, but you can smile like us" Catnap said as Frowny looked at him and smiled. "Really.. you mean it?" Frowny asked Catnap who smiled at his friend and nodded. "You're the best Catnap, thank you.. but I really don't want to be a burden to anyone, I get a bit anxious when it comes to being at other's houses, I mean you saw me at that sleepover" Frowny chuckled but Catnap burst out laughing. "Man, you were so shy, everyone found you adorable" Catnap said trying to catch his breath and failing miserably. Frowny was just sitting up and looking over at Catnap, and then looked up at the stars. "They're pretty... even though they're fake" "well, I could say the same about Dogday, but he's not fake" Catnap said smiling up at the stars as Frowny snickers and smiles up at the stars with Catnap.

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