Chapter 392

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"First we need to figure out how we get to Catnap though, since I doubt Killy would be doing anything to really help us in this" she spoke with a stern tone towards Dogday who nodded at her every word indicating he was truly listening to her. "Now, I think I may have an idea of how we're going to get through to Catnap" she said a bit confidently causing Dogday to wag his tail in excitement.

The prototype was on its way to its own bigger body version of itself, it made a few changes to his new body, but ultimately it worked well. He dragged Jax' body along the vents and down the shaft and as he made his way towards to the bottom it crawled through a series to long hallways and tubes connected by a few dangerous sections of the factory floor that weren't suitable for the younger workers of Playtime Co. it was reserved for the CEO and a few of his more... trusted colleagues. As the claw made its way into the darkened corridors a box was seen in a darkened corner, a wind up box. The prototype didn't care for the box right now, he would get to it later, right now he was busy with something else far more important. He dragged the plushie to its bigger body, and awaited for someone to join. As the claw connects to the bigger body the tech slowly reaches down and picks up the plushie placing it on the giant table in front of its head. Little did the prototype know that Jax was still conscious... much to the plushie's dismay.


As Jax' eyes went dark he used a special kind of plushie squeaks that only plushies could hear. He tried to tell the other Dogday plushies to get up... get help... don't die. As the other Dogday plushie slowly woke back up they squeaked back at him wondering what he had planned and hoped it would help them. Jax had tried to make them get up, but all of them were far to weak. They had to wait until they got more strength. As they wait they all kept speaking to each other about getting help for each other by the other plushies but they were all terrified to see evil plushies. They tried to get the attention of the other mini critters but they weren't heard over Killy's roaring and the other toys attacking each other so they just waited, even as Catnap fell on them all they were in pain but it got amped up as soon as Catnap fell on them, they knew they had to get out of there or they would get hurt. Jax was telling them to get help for them all since he wasn't able to move at all, the other plushies had their hind legs working a bit more then their front, but since Jax didn't have his hind legs he was basically stuck telling and begging the others to get help.

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