Chapter 333

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As everyone gathers in the Playcare Mommy and Catnap start to explain what's happening to everyone. "Are you.. are you sure?" asked Bubba as he looked shocked. "Yes, he's a nice man" Catnap tries to explain, but everyone's a bit skeptical thanks to the CEO. "I know that it's weird to know there really is a nice human being out there, but right now that human being is probably being fired, and worse" Catnap said a bit frantic as Mommy puts her hand on his shoulder. "Everyone please listen to this is serious, the CEO places a threat to us all, he's killed many already" Mommy let's Frowny explain his side. "Guys, I know it sounds a little crazy but you have to believe us, the CEO is going to burn this place to the ground if we can't stop him, you all know Dogday's death was at the hands of the CEO, as was Sunshine, and Jax, and Daisy, and Cat Bee, and Candy Cat was left on a shelf unable to move, talk, or save herself until Catnap had saved her" everyone looked at Candy Cat as she was nodding. "It's true, I was a trapped toy.." she spoke in a sad tone as everyone looked at her in sympathy. "Bark!" as Frowny, Catnap, and Mommy all looked shocked everyone turned around to see the mini critters behind them. There were hundreds maybe even thousands of them. "What the..." said Catnap. "How are you all multiplying like this?" he asks as Small Frown, Shade, and Gloom step forward. "You three had something to do with him?" he asks as the three nod their heads. "This is insane.... But just what we need!" he smiles as everyone started to understand the severity of the situation. "Okay, Catnap we believe you, what's the plan?" said Bobby Bearhug as she stepped over to her friend, a determined and angry face had replaced her once cheerful and happy face as she cracks her knuckles with a growl.

The CEO had walked up to Rich and led him over to his desk. "Sit now... we have much to discuss.." the CEO said with a straight face rivaling Rich's own. "Fair enough, you guys tired of my complaints yet?" he raises a brow at Elliot, but Elliot just rolls his eyes. "No, and I don't care much for your complaints either, you're forced to work here because of who you are, and what you tried to do to the company" Elliot said looking Rich in the eyes, but even as he did all Rich did was roll his eyes. "I don't care if I get paid less then everyone, what you're doing it's good for the orphans here" he shouts but then takes a deep breath trying to remain calm. "Sorry, I'm not trying to get mad, but this company is screwed up" he says as Elliot just rolls his eyes. "It's not the company that's screwed up Rich, it's you, people like you who think they could come in here and expose us.. I don't think so" he smirks as Rich starts to feel that dreadful feeling again. Elliot stands behind the chair as the Dogday skin suit sits there, its dark soulless eyes peering through Rich's eyes and beyond. "It would be a shame if your wife was left alone..." the Elliot began to say in a low tone.

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