Chapter 266

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Moonlight watched the room steadily filling up with more poppy gas causing him to become alarmed at the rate it spread. "Open the windows!" he yelled towards Shade and Gloom as they run downstairs to open the windows as Small Frown opened the top window. "I don't get it, why did they install windows to his house?" he questioned but Moonlight shrugs at the fox unable to answer. "Doesn't matter, this much poppy gas can cause alarmingly bad night terrors where it causes you to lose yourself from what's real or fake, you get lost and humans have gone to great lengths to make sure they don't have to deal with this again after one child had been reported of killing her entire family from an overdose on this stuff" as Moonlight said this Small Frown looked at him in alarm. "So you're saying in larger quantities this gas can turn against people and cause them to kill others?!" Small Frown spoke in alarm but Moonlight nods his head. "That's why we have to get it out of here the place is filling up way too quickly, and I'm not sure how it'll affect Bubba to be honest" Moonlight warned as both plushies looked towards the elephant who seemed to be having a bad nightmare causing him to twist and turn in his sleep and mumble under his breath. Moonlight looked at him a bit worried as he got another idea. "Small Frown get your brothers, and hide underneath Bubba's bed, I'll be back" as Moonlight said this Small Frown nods and runs downstairs to get his brothers. Moonlight watches him go as he faces a vent on the ceiling, he knew where it led and was determined to get help. Using his tail he unlatched the vent, and crawled inside as he was crawling though he wasn't sure which way to go. "Shoot..." he said under his breath, but then he heard a small voice behind him. "I'm surprised to see you here Moonlight" Moonlight quickly turned around and came face to face with Jax.

"Jax, thank goodness you're here, I have a plan to help our friends to wake up from their sleep, and nightmares they're obviously having due to the poppy gas, but I need your help, you know these vents better than anyone, do you know the way to the playhouse?" Jax looked at Moonlight and saw the desperation in his ally's eyes, he nodded and quickly led the way to the playhouse with Moonlight in tow.

Catnap and Mommy were both getting heavily outnumbered as more and more guards shown up. "How's he hired so many of these guys?" questions Catnap as he steals yet another mask from the guard and sprays poppy gas into the guy's face. "I'm not sure, but we're getting very outnumbered, it's going to be tough getting the upper hand with this many coming at us" Mommy explains as she takes two guards up into the air and uses her webs to attach them to the ceiling. "This isn't looking good.." said Catnap looking at the situation.

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