Chapter 214

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Dogday went to the Home Sweet Home area with Miss Delight, and kept looking at the ground in shame. "Okay, this isn't you Dogday, what's going on?" she asks him looking at him directly in the eyes. "It's Bitty Kitty, and Sharp Charm.." he says in a quiet voice as they enter Home Sweet Home the children's voices are heard. He smiles a sad smile towards Miss Delight and begins his duties and she frowns and begins her own. Throughout the whole time though Miss Delight had kept a close eye on Dogday because she knew something was wrong with him, and she knew he wouldn't speak openly with her until the kids were properly put down to sleep. Dogday was with a few of the kids playing tag, and watching cartoons. He was purposely slow so the kids would be able to tag him, and that he would allow the kids their fun of running from him as he tried to tag them. Miss Delight was almost done with the children's snacks as she knew that Dogday was having a good time with the kids, and no harm would come to any of them as he was there. Dogday was protective of the kids a lot, it reminded her a lot of a parent, but she often felt that Dogday was ready for parenthood at such a young age. 'This isn't a good sign' she thought bitterly as she walked into the room with snacks watching Dogday on the floor playing house with Ana and Susie. She giggles a bit because it seems that the two girls have him being the family "baby" as he was constantly making fake crying noises whenever they would walk away, they would come over and kiss the top of Dogday's head and tell he's a good boy which seemed to make Dogday happy within seconds. "I'm a good boy?" he would ask, his grey tail wagging like crazy as the two girls would smile and call out "yes!" as the rest of the kids would come over and start to tickle Dogday as a strategy to make him laugh and smile. Miss Delight was watching it all with shock evident on her face. "Wait, these kids knew Dogday was upset..? How..?" she asks herself concerned.

A few minutes later all the kids are down for naps, and Dogday and her are alone in the area again, the abandoned room nobody really went into. "You okay Miss Delight?" asks Dogday tilting his head a bit confused as the teacher would look at him, and smile a sad smile towards him. "Sorry, yes, I'm okay Dogday, but I want to know what had you so upset today, that wasn't normal for you to look scared while talking to Bitty Kitty and Sharp Charm, did those two do something?" she asks a bit more assertive, but Dogday waves her off. "I promise you it's fine, it's just that Bitty Kitty and Sharp Charm wanted to go to the factory alone, and I had to get Catnap and Frowny to go with them since I don't trust the two alone, especially with the CEO having two more of your students, and is doing who knows what with them.." he said as he holds his right arm with his left paw looking at the ground. Miss Delight remembers that look, it's the look when Dogday is keeping something from her. She'll get him to open up, even if she has to wait. "You're afraid to lose them like Sunshine and Jax, correct?" she asks as Dogday nods his head slowly.

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