Chapter 253

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"How about we practice your voice lines a bit, while we wait for that claw to leave" suggested the CEO, Dogday looked towards him, then the script then back at him. "I guess..." he spoke as he looked at the script with the words "Dogday says... fetch!" and "Go go as far as you can" Dogday was a bit confused about it but he wouldn't complain the CEO did a huge favor to him by giving him his full body back. "How would I say it?" he asks "you would say it like, in your cartoon voice, but make sure it's energetic" the CEO instructed him as they went over the voice lines until they sounded perfect. "Dogday says... fetch!" "Go go as far as you can!" Dogday smiled at the CEO but the CEO just looked at him with a straight face, eyes cold, and standing a bit away from him. "Why.. why are you just standing there?" Dogday asks and the CEO smiles. "Perfect performance" he applauds Dogday as he does Jax comes through the vents and watches. Dogday sees Jax and prays the CEO doesn't notice him, the CEO has his back turned towards Dogday so he crawls over to the vent and speaks to Jax "you can't be here... you can't stay" he says to Jax as the plushie looked at him upset by the fact that he was right, so he disappeared back into the darkness of the vent and Dogday turned towards the CEO. The CEO might have had his back to Dogday, but he did record what he said to Jax for the cutout. "So... what's the next line?" as Dogday asks this the CEO puts on his gas mask again, and the lab fills with poppy gas knocking Dogday out yet again. "The next line..." the CEO speaks looking at Dogday's torso "is VERY simple" as he said that Dogday shut his eyes.

"Where is he?" asks the scientist as they all wait for the CEO to come back and do the final job on Dogday for his cardboard cutout's voice lines. "Relax, he will be here soon, I'm sure, for now we just got to wait" as they said that the vent opened revealing the claw of the prototype again. "Ah good, you're here.. ready to get to work on the final project?" asked one of the scientists as the claw crawled over to them and jumped up on the table near the other Dogday suit. "It will be interesting seeing this happen, but as soon as it does we have to transfer his body back to this suit, and hope he survives" as the scientist says this the prototype crawls towards them and pierces one of the Dogday suit's torso a bit, digging its claw into its side as it gave no reaction. "That's just a suit right now, it's empty of life until later..." the scientists remind the claw as it stops its work, and jumps down crawling back into the vent to wait.

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