Chapter 260

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The CEO was setting the cardboard cutouts around his office, he had no idea there would be this many. "Okay, we got all the Smiling Critters done, I could probably get Daisy, and Cat Bee to do voice lines.. they'll be quick I'm sure" he got up from his chair and decided to go find Daisy and Cat Bee.

Cat Bee and Daisy were both walking around the train station thinking about what they should do, what they should say to the CEO about the situation. As they saw him walk towards they both felt anxious, and a bit worried about how he would react to their injuries from the fight against The Smiling Critters. "Hello sir-" as Cat Bee tries to speak the CEO interrupted her "what happened, you know what I don't care, I need you two to help, you're both going to have your own cardboard cutouts and I need your voices to really make the cardboard cutouts stand out" as he said this both toys looked at each but nodded their heads following him back to his office.

"It was worth it Kissy, yes we got locked up, but we did our best to try and save him" Huggy told Kissy who was in her own cell away from him, both were talking about the failed mission to save Dogday. "We don't know if Catnap succeeded or not, we fell asleep" Kissy reminds him but Huggy sighs and falls to his knees "I hope he did survive" he says in a normal tone so Kissy could hear him without him shouting as she also drops to her knees as well. "We just got to hope.." reminds Kissy as Huggy nods in agreement. "I hope you two have learned your lessons" said the CEO as he walks towards their cells and stands between them with Cat Bee and Daisy on either side of him. "Shut up" both Huggy Wuggy and Kissy Missy said with growls in their voices making the CEO laugh. "You both did this to yourselves, you should have minded your own business, those Smiling Critters are going to pay for getting in my way" as the CEO said this Huggy and Kissy growl at him. Cat Bee and Daisy both glare towards the two monsters and walk off with the CEO to his office. "Losers" Cat Bee laughs under her breath making Daisy confused "what's so funny?" she asks and Cat Bee looks up at her with a grin "those two monsters seem to be friends with the critters, they are as bad as every other toy who sees the critters as good toys" as she explains to Daisy she notices her friend start to smile and become more confident. "They deserve to be locked up, plus Mommy Longlegs is also a trader to the CEO, he gave them all life, and a bigger purpose, and what do they do? They hurt him for it, his wrist is hurt, but he's putting up with the pain, for those ungrateful toys" Daisy puts her leaves on her stem where her heart would be if she still had one, or so she thinks.

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