Chapter 302

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Catnap was becoming a bit aggravated. They walked towards another lab, the lab the scientists would normally take the Smiling Critters when they were hurt or "damaged" in the CEO's own words. Catnap never truly believed anything the CEO said ever since he was turned into Catnap. He looked around the lab with Candy Cat but still nothing, everything seemed to be rotting in this lab, not even the jars were protecting the organs or brains. Catnap gulped because he didn't feel alone in that lab, yes he had Candy Cat, but he felt eyes on him, not from Candy Cat though he saw her on the other side of the lab looking at a few jars labeled 'experiments 3302' Catnap didn't understand what that was, but he didn't care since he kept looking around the lab feeling eyes on him, he listened out for some kind of sound, but all he heard was the little glass test tubes clinking against each other as Candy Cat walked past them. Catnap's ear twitched as he heard something in the vent, his head shot up as the vent opened to his left and Jax came out. He let out a sigh of relief knowing it was just Jax and not someone else. "Hey Jax, what brings you here?" Jax looked at Catnap before responding "the others asked me to find you because they were a bit worried, you've been gone for two hours now" as he said this Catnap's eyes widen "wait really?" he asks as Jax nods. Candy Cat comes over and looks at Jax confused and a bit scared. "Don't worry Candy Cat, I'm not going to hurt you" Jax spoke and Candy Cat was confused "how do you know my name?" she asks with narrowed eyes making Jax roll his eyes. "I saw your cardboard box in the CEO's office, I checked there for Catnap first" as he said this both Catnap and Candy Cat both looked at him with understanding expressions. "Fair enough" she said as she walked away. "Catnap, what exactly are you doing in here though?" Jax asks confused, to which Catnap responded "we are trying to find Dogday's organs, brain, and bones because the CEO won't help me get him back until tomorrow, but I'm determined to get him back now" Catnap said as Jax looked at him and nodded in understanding. "Well, I'm not sure why you're looking in here for, this is the lab they strictly used for Huggy Wuggy, and Kissy Missy, you won't find any Smiling Critter parts here" Jax said as Catnap just groans. "Where could they be?" he started to pace as Candy Cat and Jax look at him in worry. "Relax Catnap, I'm sure we will find the organs, bones, and brain" Jax seemed determined as he walked out of the lab, Candy Cat and Catnap following close behind. "We got to go to the Smiling Critter lab if you want to find Dogday's organs" Jax spoke with a low voice. He led the way back to the CEO's office.

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