Chapter 312

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"Those Smiling Critters better not have done anything, they have no idea what the process even is, if they think they can just take a suit, and bring it to life with bones, brain, and organs like that, they're crazy!" he speaks to himself as he prepares to walk into the Playcare, as he opens the door to the hallway he is shocked to find all the orphans and the toys settled outside of the Playcare. "What the-?!" the toys and the children all look towards him with frowns on their faces, some even looking ready to kill. "What is going on?!" he demands as the toys seem to be either afraid of him, or rightfully angry at him. "You, how could you let this happen?!" Mommy says from her spot as a few orphans around her are either clingy to her as they see the CEO, or they're asleep. Mommy has a protective arm around each of them, and Kissy is the same with Huggy as well as Bitty Kitty with Sharp Charm. Frowny Fox looks fearful, but Miss Delight gets in front of him protectively. Everyone's either ready to cower and run, or charge and fight the CEO as he stands before them all. He looks at them all rather confused, but eventually realizes The Smiling Critters are with them. "Have you seen The Smiling Critters, presumably Catnap?" he asks as everyone looks at him with shocked and angry faces. "Why.. so you could kill him the way you killed Dogday?!" demands Bitty Kitty as she hisses at him, he rolls his eyes because obviously that's what he's trying to do, but more importantly he's trying to get the suit back. "I'm not going to hurt him" the CEO lies through his teeth "I only want to get back what he stole from me" and with that he turned and left from the toys and children. "We got to find Catnap and the rest of the Smiling Critters before the CEO does" said Sharp Charm as everyone looked at him in surprise. "True, but where do we look?" asked Mommy as she kept the children around her secure. "I'm not sure, but I'm willing to go search for them" Frowny said as he got up, Bitty Kitty, and Sharp Charm also get up, as well as Miss Delight, Mommy, Kissy, and even Huggy. "Are we all going to save them?" Frowny asks as the others nod their heads at him. He smiles and nods as Shade, Small Frown, and Gloom also get up and want to help as well, Frowny gets a bit worried, but finally agrees to letting them help "the more toys the better chance we have of finding them before the CEO" as he says this everyone agreed, Miss Delight told her sisters to stay back with all the kids incase the CEO comes back and tries anything, to which all her sisters agree and form a barrier in front of the children. Miss Delight looks at her sister's barricade of bodies and she smiles fully trusting them as she as the others set off to find the Smiling Critters before the CEO did.

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