Chapter 244

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Picky Piggy smiles as she walks back home with Frowny. "I'm excited to have everyone together, but I wish I knew where Kickin and Hoppy were.. also I wish Crafty and Bubba would come too, but at least we still have Dogday, Catnap, Bobby, you and I" she said smiling and jumping up and down as Frowny Fox chuckled a bit. "Could be worse, but we have enough since Moonlight, Gloom, Shade, and Small Frown are coming as well" Frowny reminds her and she gets even more excited. "I hope they all like the food!" she said walking inside and waiting "so you talked about your bad dreams... being about our deaths, do you want to talk about it again?" Picky asks as she sits on the couch and looked at Frowny expectantly. "You sure you want to hear about them?" he asks as he started to walk over and sit next to her. "Of course, try me" she said as Frowny sighed and started to tell her about their deaths, how they all die, when, and where.

Catnap was on his way toward Picky's house with Gloom and Moonlight when he saw Shade and Small Frown run out of a vent nearby. "Where are those two going..?" he asks as he watches the two plushies run towards Picky's house, Catnap doesn't feel right, but he follows them. He knocks on the door as the plushie stand there and jump up and down. As the door opened all the plushies ran inside but just stood around the vent. Nobody knew what was going on, but Catnap noticed a lack of dog in the place 'wasn't Dogday with these two..?' Catnap thought as he seen Dogday with them last, but now they were on their own. Another knock came from the door as Bobby came in greeting everyone with a big smile as Picky ran over to hug her close friend. "Welcome everyone!" she cheers as everyone makes themselves comfortable, yet Catnap seemed on edge. "Where is Dogday.. and Hoppy, and Kickin..?" he asks as Bobby opens her mouth to reply Frowny Fox covers her mouth and shakes his head no. Catnap looked towards Frowny as he took Bobby to the kitchen to speak. "Where are they..?" he asks as he looked toward Picky. Picky stayed quiet, but as she saw Catnap looking at her she shoved a few apple slices in her mouth as she shrugged and walked towards the kitchen. Catnap watched her go, but then heard the vent being scratched. "Wait.. what is tha-" he froze as he watched Moonlight, Small Frown, Shade, and Gloom all run inside the vent with Jax. "Wait what?! No, come back!" Catnap said as he watched the plushies disappear in the vent, Jax stood there for a second before he spoke to Catnap "I'm sorry.. but I need to protect them, not you guys" as he spoke Catnap could see something dark within him. He glared at Jax as he turned his back on the cat and walked off following the plushies. "Not good.." Catnap spoke in a low voice as the others came back to see the plushies all gone, and Catnap standing near the vent. They all glared towards the cat.

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