Chapter 281

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Mommy Longlegs crawls through the entire Home Sweet Home building slightly panicking since she knows as soon as the children see her they'll scream and cry, fearing her. She sighs as she knows she has to do this, to save them all. "Mommy is so sorry for what's about to happen to you all children..." she said as she opens the door resulting in a hundred terrified children screaming. "HELP ME!" "MONSTER!" "SAVE ME PLEASE!" "PLEASE!" all their voices echoed in Mommy's mind as she grabs the children, even those who try and run are grabbed and dragged towards her, making them panic even worse. "SOMEONE PLEASE HELP WE ARE GOING TO DIE!" one of the kids screamed that and Mommy completely broke. She set the kids down and rushed out of the room, as she made it towards the exit door she prayed that she could convince someone else to get the kids out, as she opens the door Catnap's standing there.

"Okay, you know the plan, let's put it into action" Jax told Poppy as the two made their way through the vent to the gift shop. "Split up and find it" Jax said as Poppy nods and they split up walking through the gift shop trying to find something they could use to help aid getting Huggy and Kissy out of their cells. The two found a few things they could use, in a janitor's closet they found a crowbar, they found a grab pack they could use, but it would use both of the to be able to use it since they're both small, they both found some tools, and Jax knew how to make a molotov from a cocktail bottle that was left in the trash by a bad person coming into the factory, but of course the CEO only cares about money, and not the well being of the toys or his own people. "It's sad that he allows people like that inside.." Poppy comments as Jax holds the bottle, climbs on it doing a hand stand, and rolls over to the vent. "It might not fit-" Poppy tried to explain but to her surprise the bottle had fit. "Never mind" she corrects herself with a small smile as Jax pulls the bottle along in the vent as she brings the crow bar, they leave the grab pack for now since that was part two of Jax' plan.

As Mommy saw Catnap at the door she felt so much relief as she pulls him inside. His ears immediately perk up to the sounds of the children's screams and cries for help and the parents they will never get in their lives. "I see how this place affects you now.." he spoke to Mommy "that's not the worst part, they're already affected by the gas to the point where they fear me.." as Mommy says this Catnap knows how it could affect her, they calling out for someone to help them, but their only help to them is one they see as a monster, he understands.

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