Chapter 278

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Bobby held Crafty close gently petting her mane and waiting for her to calm down. Crafty started to sob when she was done speaking about her nightmare, but Bobby wanted to explain her own, she waited until her girlfriend was okay first. 'I'll wait until a better time to talk about my nightmares to her' she smiles and holds Crafty as she cries. "It's okay Crafty, I'm here, Bubba's here, we aren't going anywhere" she spoke to Crafty gently and quietly so they wouldn't wake up Bubba, but it was too late as they both felt Bubba's arm tighten around them and a gentle voice speak to them "it's okay girls.. I've got you, I'm not allowing you to be hurt" Bubba spoke gently to Crafty and Bobby as the girls smiled up at him. "Thanks Bubba" they both smile and cuddle into him. Bubba holds both of his girlfriends as all three cuddle each other. "We love you Bubba" they both say smiling at him "I love you two girls" he says as he kisses both their foreheads. Jax watches the interactions between them all and he smiles while going over to Miss Delight so he could ask her a few questions.

"Argh.." Bitty Kitty's eyes opened as she was face to face with a sleeping Sharp Charm. 'I don't remember sleeping near Sharp Charm' she thought as she sat up only to be face to face with a smiling Dogday mini critter. "Huh..?" she said out loud catching the attention from Jax. "Good, you're awake" he said and he crawls over to Bitty Kitty. "Huh..? Wait, what happened?" she asked as Jax just sighs he opens his mouth ready to answer but Miss Delight speaks up first "we are waiting for Catnap to come back, a lot has happened, and we need to wait for him and Mommy Longlegs to come back and explain everything" she spoke in a very different voice from her usual happy and cheerful voice, this one sounded a bit scared, worried, haunted Bitty Kitty couldn't put her paw on it, but she knew whatever's happened had affected everyone badly. Everyone was silent for a while only a few voices and barks as the Dogday plushies still kept waking everyone up, they were working on getting everyone up, but it was hard even for them. They had inhaled a lot of poppy gas causing them to go into a very deep sleep. Some of the Dogday plushies were whimpering when they couldn't get the critters awake after half an hour of trying. Jax was getting worried why they weren't waking up right away. 'How much gas did they all consume?' he thought as he looked at Kickin Chicken, Hoppy Hopscotch, and Picky Piggy who were all still asleep, they all seemed to be sleeping peacefully. He then turned toward Sharp Charm who seemed to be having a violent nightmare as he twists and turns in Bitty Kitty's arms as she tries to hold him steady while also crying for him to wake up.

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