Chapter 211

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Catnap felt good about the new schedules. He had some time to see Dogday on the weekends now, and he was excited for the weekends for once. He walked towards his house with Moonlight on his head, he hasn't heard Moonlight purr since that night, and he wishes he could make Moonlight purr, but that would be an impossible task. He sighed as he walks into his cat tower house and lays down on his bed. 'I hope Dogday's doing better then I am, I'm always bored without him now..' Catnap frowns and wants to walk over to Home Sweet Home, but stops himself. He sighs because Bitty Kitty and Sharp Charm's words "leave him be until the weekend or until he comes to you" Catnap sighs again and throws a pillow off his bed accidentally hitting Moonlight making him hiss from underneath it. Catnap apologized before he slams his head into his pillows and screams into them as Moonlight walks away.

Miss Delight walked into the room she knew Dogday was watching the kids in, but as she did she was met with a very cute sight that melted her heart. Dogday was in the center of sleeping children his front paws were covered with kid's heads using Dogday's paws as pillows. He refused to move his paws at all. Miss Delight giggled quietly as she walked over and picked up each kid one by one. She took the two kids off his paws as he gets up slowly. "Thank you" he said with a small smile, Miss Delight smiles and walks off with the kids as Dogday actually ends up laying down again and falls asleep. Miss Delight came back and saw him asleep, so she went to her own room to sleep. 'It's strange that my sisters stay at the school and sleep and I sleep here' she thought thinking her sisters were isolating her on purpose. She had a weird feeling about this, but said nothing, as she soon fell asleep.

In the morning Miss Delight and Dogday both woke up at the same time, and were a bit shocked. "I fell asleep here, and I was on my way back to my house" Dogday explained as Miss Delight nods and waves at him when he leaves, he smiles and waves back telling he will see her later. Class didn't start to another two hours anyways so he was free to go see Catnap. He started to walk over to Catnap's house but stopped himself, he lowered his paw and walks to his dog house instead. He walks into his house and lays on his dog bed curling up a bit. Bitty Kitty and Sharp Charm were a bit bored so they planned to ask Dogday if they could leave the Playcare and explore the factory. They knew Dogday might not accept, since he has a bad experience with it.. getting kidnapped, tortured, experimented on, etc. "Maybe he will accept.." they both looked into Dogday's bedroom and saw he was in his dog bed. "School's about to start.. maybe we should wait?" Sharp Charm said as he smiles at Bitty Kitty "fine" she says as she smiles at Sharp Charm before pushing him and running downstairs causing Sharp Charm to smile and run after her.

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