Chapter 239

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Picky finally finished all the food for her friends and the kids in the school. "Maybe I should deliver them to Home Sweet Home, I'm pretty sure Miss Delight works there" she said as she started to put all the food in the fridge, pantry,and set the table for everyone. "Oh shoot.. I should've told them all before I made the food.. heh heh.." as she looks at the feast in front of her. "I'll make sure they come, I'll let them all know right now, and we can all have a small feast party!" she said excitedly as she ran out of the door to gather her friends.

Hoppy and Kickin were running and dancing together as they had a small record player playing a cheerful tune. Hoppy was happily dancing with the tune while Kickin was hyping his friend up. "Go Hoppy go Hoppy go Hoppy!" he kept chanting as Hoppy started to break dance making Kickin laugh since it didn't go with the tune playing at all. "Heck yeah! That's my best friend!" he screams making Hoppy laugh and bring him into the dance. They both started to have a dance battle. Hoppy won, and she thanked Dogday's torso for it. Kickin burst out laughing because it was ridiculous but true. "I'm so glad that Dogday's a good dancer!" Hoppy said as they started to twirl around and laugh as Kickin looked on proud of his friend finally seeing some good in having the torso of their friend. "I'm still glad you got rid of the CEO from the Playcare, he won't be able to come back and hurt any of us now" Kickin said as he smiled towards Hoppy. Hoppy Smiled at Kickin and winked before saying "heck yeah! The guy doesn't care about any of us, and he hurt Dogday a lot, think about everything he could do to us" their ears flopped over their eyes hiding their face. Kickin smiles and gently moves toward Hoppy removing their ears from their friend's face being smiling at them. Hoppy smiled back at Kickin with a shy smile and a small giggle, Kickin noticed his friend blushing but he wrote it off as embarrassment.

Picky Piggy was going out of her way to make sure her friends ate, she just had to find them all, and get them to her place. Easy. First she went to Frowny Fox since he was almost always in the same place. 'I'll make sure he has something else to do and eat instead of being homeless.. it's not fair that he has to be homeless, and his own plushies have homes to go to' she thought but shook her head as she walked towards the school. Just before she entered she walked towards the right side of the building and saw Frowny's tail outside his makeshift home. Picky's heart broke for the fox, but she was determined to have everyone over. 'Just for one night' she thought as she made her way over to him.

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