Chapter 254

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The scientists look at each other as the claw runs off, but they shrug it off. A few hours later the door opens to reveal the CEO dragging Dogday inside the room. "He will wake up soon, we must fasten him in and get to work until he wakes up, then hopefully we will get the reaction we need" as he spoke about the plan, the scientists just nod uncomfortably but they follow orders without a word. They take Dogday to the table, and fasten the belts around his ankles and wrists, and leave him hanging up in a crucifixion pose. "Hopefully he won't be too mad..." one of the scientists mumbles under their breath, but another comes over "even if he isn't mad, he needs to survive to actually be mad, and we need to also make sure he's silent to his friends, or they'll have our heads for sure" as the scientist reminds her coworkers they all start to feel uneasy about their work, but the CEO reminds them that these creatures might have human organs, but they're just mascots at the end of the day. "They aren't people... at least not anymore" he mumbles the last part getting weird looks from the scientists around him, but he waves off their worry. "Even if he doesn't survive, we can just... build another" he says with uncertainty in his voice, but the scientists don't seem to notice as they nod and get to work tightening the belts and straps, securing Dogday in place as he starts to wake up.

Daisy and Cat Bee are both running away, both heavily damaged from the fight, but too embarrassed to admit that they failed the CEO. "We need to warn him about those critters, he was right about them being dangerous-" Cat Bee tried to explain to Daisy but Mommy Longlegs intervened "they aren't the enemy, the CEO is, he's-" Daisy interrupted Mommy "shut up! You don't know the CEO at all, he's done nothing but treat us with respect since we became toys, and-" "shut up Arianna!" Mommy screamed at Daisy as she shrunk in fear. "You don't understand, the CEO doesn't care about you girls, he's using you to get what he wants, he's-" "no you don't get it Mommy, the CEO does care about us, he lets us have free roam of this place" as Cat Bee said this Daisy was shocked "he does?!" she asks as Cat Bee looks at her in confusion. "Yeah, why he doesn't let you move?" Daisy looks away from Cat Bee as Mommy looks at both of them saddened by their situation. "You two need to understand, the CEO is not your friend, he's working with the-" as Mommy tried to warn the two of them Cat Bee interrupted again "no, he wouldn't replace us, or get rid of us, he loves us, unlike you!" as she says this to Mommy Longlegs she notices the other frown and back away from her. "He's changed both of you... you two used to be the sweetest kids here, but now you're under his control.." Mommy spoke as tears formed in her eyes. She ran off crying and Daisy and Cat Bee were left to wonder 'is what she said true?' as they were unsure...

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