Chapter 388

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"It's a bad instrument" the kid looked annoyed at the other kid trying to explain why the recorder was a good, and fun instrument to play. "It's easy to learn and fun to play, you can learn a lot of good songs on it like Hot Cross Buns, and-" the kid looked annoyed now. "I don't care about what songs we can play the instrument is stupid, like you!" as the kid said this Catnap was a bit confused what to do, normally Dogday was the best with fights because he could stop fights pretty quickly, but Catnap had little to no clue how to stop the fight. 'What am I going to do?' he thinks to himself, but a hand on his shoulder causes him to jump. He looked up and Miss Delight's sister is there smiling down at him reassuringly. She then looked at the two kids getting in each other's faces, they seem to be ready to attack one another. Miss Delight's sister snaps her ruler on the chalkboard in front of her and the whole classroom goes silent. "Now class, we need to learn how to play these songs together, whether ewe like it or not" as she said this she looked towards the stupid who was calling the recorder stupid. "This will be an interesting experiment to try... we are going to take turns playing the recorder for Catnap, and he will judge who is the best, and whoever the best is will receive a prize from the mystery chest" as she says this the students all look a bit excited about the prize. "Would anyone like to go first?" She asks as a few students put their hands up and she allows Catnap to choose. "I guess we'll start with... Sally" he says as the little girl smiles and walked up to Catnap sitting in front of him "ready?" he asks and Sally smiles and nods her head putting the recorder up to her lips. Catnap nods and listened carefully to every note she plays, there were a few slip ups but they weren't too bad, he enjoyed listening to her play even had a smile on his face by the end of it "that was beautiful Sally, next will be Jay and Allen afterwards" as Catnap said this Jay and Allen smile and get ready to play their own recorders. It went by pretty slowly, but the finally bell rang and they only got through a handful of students "don't worry the rest of you will get there, you will all have a chance to play and show off to Catnap tomorrow" as she said this Catnap's smile falters a bit, but he does end up nodding in agreement to it, despite him hating it a lot, his ears still hurt from some of the students playing their recorders so badly but he understands they're still learning and they need a lot of practice, so he won't fault them. He would instead encourage them, and prove he doesn't need the other critters.

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