Chapter 256

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As Dogday screamed nobody heard him, the rest of the Smiling Critters were asleep, and Catnap was being distracted by a guard as he was in a screaming match against the guard telling him to shut up. Dogday screamed loudly trying to get the prototype off him, but his efforts seem to only make things worse as the claw started to dig into his torso, and blood had poured out around him. The CEO and a few scientists ran into the room to look at the work being done, and the CEO started to record the screams. "AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Dogday's scream was loud and he started to scream as his voice box was starting to break. He kept screaming as the claw kept stabbing him in the torso, and torn into his stomach, it started to dig out his organs and Dogday only screamed louder as the claw started to sever his torso from his upper body. Dogday started to feel lightheaded from the blood loss, but that hadn't stopped him from screaming, his torso was on the verge of falling clean off if he didn't do something, the claw was starting to crawl inside him, it burrowed his way into his chest carving his insides out as he made room for itself. A bloody spleen, a torn up lung, a severed rib cage bone. Nothing was safe from the torture Dogday endured from the prototype, but he seen the CEO walk over with a smirk of his own, the CEO had started up the machine. The machine started to slowly pull him apart, he continued to scream out in pain, hoping someone would hear him, hoping Catnap would come to his rescue, but as he did his voice box completely broke turning to full static before it had stopped functioning all together. He continued to silently scream even as his torso was already on the floor, even as the prototype was still throwing out organ after organ, bone after bone, Dogday was just watching as he seen his rib cage fall to the floor, his organs, and everything pouring of him as he slowly began to blackout from the blood loss, and woozy from all the pain he was in. He looked up to see the CEO holding up his legs, and speaking to him, but his ears were ringing too loudly to hear anything, he wanted to cry, to scream, to beat the CEO, but he was too weak, and he was still restrained to the table, even as his torso was completely gone, and torn from his body, and his organs and bones were all on the table below his upper body. He was in a daze as he stared at the CEO, unable to hear a word he just told the CEO two words and shut his eyes "goodnight... goodbye" he spoke gently as he shut his eyes, the prototype was hovering over a heart, not just any heart though, the heart that belonged to Dogday, the mascot suit that sat lifeless in front of everyone in the room.

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