Chapter 263

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Catnap wanted to scream, Dogday dead.. it wasn't possible, it couldn't be. Who would break it to Bitty Kitty and Sharp Charm? Who will take care of the two now? What if they don't wake up, the red poppy gas seemed to have been sealed in each house with the occupants unwillingly taking part. "If Dogday's really dead, then... what are we going to do?" Catnap asks out loud as he makes his way to the Playcare with a heavy heart, a frown on his face, his tail and ears lowered, and his head down towards the ground as he silently started to cry on his way there. As he grabbed the handle someone shouted "Catnap!" his ears perked back up and flicked towards the voice. He turned and saw Mommy Longlegsrunning over to him a worried expression on her face. "Thank goodness I found someone still awake in this place, have you seen Huggy and Kissy at all?" as she asks this Catnap's eyes widen "I forgot about them!" he screams as Mommy looks at him shocked. "I've been so focused on Dogday, and my Smiling Critter friends I completely forgot about Huggy and Kissy.. I'm so sorry Mommy!" as Catnap's tears come again Mommy can't help but hug the purple sobbing cat. "It'll be okay.." as she spoke softly to Catnap to get him to calm down Catnap shakes his head quickly. "No.. because Dogday's gone.." as Catnap says this Mommy stops hugging him gently, and pulls him into a tighter embrace as he buries his head into her shoulder. "I failed him... I failed him so badly... I-I'm sorry Dogday... for everything..!!" Catnap sobs his heart out as Mommy patiently waits for him to finish crying. "What did you mean by Dogday's gone..?" Mommy asked when Catnap had calmed down a bit more. "He... he's dead.." as those two words were spoken between the two Mommy Longlegs sighed. "Sweetie... Theo, I know that he was your friend, he was a friend to everyone around him, but I could tell that you two had a stronger bond then anyone else did with him" Mommy spoke from experience Catnap understood. "I'm sure that Dogday will be fine... wherever he is, I'm sure he's looking forward to seeing you succeed, and surpass him in every way you can" as Mommy spoke to Catnap he didn't notice Moonlight, Small Frown, Gloom, and Shade crawling over to him and Mommy.

The CEO stepped towards Daisy and Cat Bee after Catnap had left. "Come with me, we'll get your voice lines now" as he spoke to the two they smiled and followed him to the incinerator room. "What are we doing here?" asked Cat Bee "your voice lines, it's safe here since there are no vents in this place that toys can sneak in, unlike my office as you saw" the toys were convinced as he did make a good point. They followed him inside, and they started their voices "meow meow meow meow buzzzzzz" Cat Bee said as she and Daisy smiled and laughed with the CEO.

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