Chapter 299

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The CEO starts to walk out to the parking lot, and get in his car. He drove to the hospital to see about removing the annoying and itchy cast on his wrist. "Stupid itchy piece of junk* he mumbles all the way to the hospital. "Only time I ever leave the factory... because it those stupid toys" he mumbles as he gets out and makes his way inside. 'Hopefully this'll be quick' he thinks as he walks over to the desk. "I'm here to see about removing this cast now" as he spoke the lady at the window rose a brow at him, and handed him a clipboard with a sheet of paper. "Fill that out and have a seat until you're called" she said as he nods and does as he's told, it's a bit hard to write but he manages. Now he waits until they're ready for him. 'I should talk to Rich tomorrow, tell him the plan, and give him a promotion if he agrees' the CEO thinks 'nah, he doesn't need one, he just has to be forced to do the job, or he'll lose his life' he smirks making a few people in the waiting room give him weird looks. "This is my normal face" he tells them all as they go back to minding their own business and their own injuries. 'Nosy people..' he thinks with a scowl. "Elliot Ludwig?" says the nurse as she walks out and is looking for him, he stands and follows her to the back without a word.

Catnap was enraged with the CEO. "Why can't he help now?!" he screams at the office desk he was glaring at for the past half an hour. "I want Dogday back, I want him back NOW!" Catnap screamed as he punched one of the bookcases in the CEO's office, causing a toy to fall. Catnap being curious walks over to inspect, his eyes widen as he sees the toy's eyes frantically moving around almost as if this toy was... ALIVE?! Catnap didn't waste a second as he started to pry the toy's casing off, and freeing the toy inside, as he set the toy down his eyes wandered towards the box again. 'Candy Cat' it read he looked towards the toy, and saw that it had its mouth held shut, he gently took off the zip lock, and looked at the toy as Candy Cat indeed was alive. She looked up at Catnap in shock but then smiled at him "Catnap? Is.. is that really you?" she asked as she moved closer to the purple feline as he got to her level. "It's me, the one and only" he said smiling towards the toy as she walked over to him and hugged his nose. "Thank you for freeing me... the CEO is not a good guy, I hear a lot that he talks about, and mumbles under his breath, especially when it came to Dogday" at those words Catnap was on high alert. "He said somethings about Dogday?" Catnap asked now having his full attention on Candy Cat as she nods her head and begins to tell him.

I am well aware that Elliot is the founder, but I didn't want to keep typing out founder everytime for him, CEO was easier, so I did what was easiest, you guys can comment about it if you want, please know that I do know Elliot is the founder of Playtime Co. though. Thanks 💛

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