Chapter 245

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"Catnap where are Small Frown, Gloom, and Shade?" Frowny walks over to Catnap who is still staring at the vent. "I.. I.." was all Catnap was able to get out before he was tackled down by Frowny Fox. "What happened to them all?" Frowny demands as he's ready to punch Catnap across the face, but Catnap looks up at his friend, and isn't able to say anything. Frowny gets ready to punch Catnap but Bobby and Picky hold him back pulling him off Catnap. "Get off me! I don't want my plushies hurt!" as he says this Catnap hisses at him "I lost Moonlight too! You aren't the only one who lost their plushie, think about Dogday and his los- wait..." Catnap's pupils shrank in realization. "Dogday!" he yelled and looked towards the vent "where does this vent lead?" he demands but Picky just shrugs. "Shoot.. Dogday's in trouble, Jax took the plushies, and we have no idea what the CEO is up to.." Catnap said as everyone looked at him in shock. "Wait what? Hold on Catnap slow down" Bobby said as she held up her paws and walked over to Catnap as the poor cat was panicking over his friend's disappearance.

Hoppy and Kickin were out exploring the factory again, avoiding workers, and finding new friends. "I can't believe you dragged me out here again Kickin.. don't you remember what happened?" Hoppy said as they tried to balance on the conveyor belt. "I won't let it happen again, you're safe with me Hoppy, I promise" Kickin told his friend as he held his right wing to his heart. Hoppy looked at him for a few moments before they smiled and nod at their best friend, both of them make it to the train station, only a few kids were there playing games, symbols were heard, PJ's voice came through clearly as the kids were being chased, the mini Huggy Wuggys were playfully attacking the kids by jumping on them and tickling them until they fell on the ground laughing. Hoppy smiled and followed Kickin as he went towards the shaft above Daisy's head. They looked down at Daisy as she was lowered down, banging the symbols, and laughing wildly. "Do we want to try to befriend someone else..?" Hoppy asks as Kickin thinks before he nods, but before the could walk away Daisy looked up and spots them.

The CEO was really happy about the work that Bubba and Crafty did on their voice lines. "Good job you two... good job" he slowly applauded their work as Bubba and Crafty both backed away in fear. "You two are free to go" he let them out and they ran out without a word. The CEO watched them run away, and turned towards his desk after locking the door. He walks over to his desk, and sits a button to the comms "bring me Dogday" he spoke in a low tone smirking as he received "he's on his way sir".

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