Chapter 328

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As Catnap watches Bitty Kitty and Sharp Charm fall asleep, he's left to wonder if he wants to head to his own house, or stay at Dogday's house, he promised to come back, but he had to check up on Frowny Fox, as he seen him in distress earlier, and wanted to make sure he was okay. He silently closes the bedroom door and goes downstairs, he then heads out towards the school to see if he can help Frowny with whatever problems he seemed to have. "Hey, Frowny you there?" of course Catnap could tell he was there as his tail was sticking out, but he wanted to be sure that he was awake or not. "Yes.... I'm here..." came a small voice, Catnap's ears perked up "may I come over?" he lowers his voice as he assumes that Frowny is a bit more emotional right now. "...sure.." came the soft reply as Catnap made his way over to the small makeshift house Frowny had made. "Hey Frowny.. you came here in a rush, and seemed panicked, you okay to talk about it?" Catnap asks as Frowny looks up at him with teary eyes. "I think I just became a bad friend... an awful, terrible friend.." Frowny said as he Gloom in his arms as Small Frown and Shade were both cuddled up to his shoulders and on his back. "What makes you say that..?" Catnap asks curiously. "You remember William.. or... Killy Willy?" Frowny asks, and his shoulders start to shake, Catnap can only assume he's crying silently but he still answers "yeah, I remember him, but why?" Catnap was a bit confused but Frowny seemed hesitant to answer. "H-He's alive... underneath us, but.. I didn't hear Boxy Boo..." Frowny said as he curled up more. "So... Boxy might be..?" Catnap asks as Frowny nods. They're both silent at the news until Frowny spoke again. "That's not all... you remember Daisy and Cat Bee..?" at the mention of their names Catnap suppressed an eye roll and instead responded with "yeah, I remember those two, why?" he asks not that curious but for the sake of making Frowny feel better. "Well... Gloom, Small Frown, and Shade led me to the.. the incinerator room.. and-and in the incinerator w-were Daisy and Cat Bee.. they... they were basically burnt, and blackened with ash and soot from the flames.. but there was al-al-also Dogday's upper half in there... he looked really badly burnt, but he.. he wasn't breathing, and there was nothing inside of him to sustain his life, so we decided to... to put them d-down the trash chute" as Catnap heard this he was a bit angry that Frowny would throw Dogday down the trash chute, but he was also grateful that he didn't have to be burned in the fire anymore. "As I.. I put them all down one by one... Daisy's head.. even though it was detached from her body, it still turned on and screamed in pain, I got scared an-and accidentally got her knocked down, and that's when I heard Killy Willy, Da-Daisy screamed out no to him, but she was.. silent afterwards.. I'm not sure what he did to her, and the others but Dogday's lower half was already thrown down there from what I heard from Shade. "So... Killy Willy might have been..." Catnap asked but Frowny just nodded.

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