Chapter 246

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As Dogday walked down the long hallway towards the CEO's office he passed both Craftycorn and Bubba. He looked at them both before he stops them both, and whispers something in their ears. They both look at him shocked but nod softly as they continue to walk, Dogday takes a deep breath before he makes it to the CEO's office, there he stops completely and can't help but feel something is wrong, but he goes inside the office sealing his fate at the doors close behind him.

Bubba and Crafty run back to the others as soon as they enter the Playcare. "Where are they all?" Crafty asks as they run from each house knocking on the doors and ringing the doorbells. "What are we going to do? Dogday made it seem like he was going to die or something" Crafty told Bubba who remained silent as they both ran to Picky's house and knocked on the door desperately trying to find their friends. "Come on come on guys... where are you?!" Crafty spoke desperately as Bubba didn't even try to calm her down knowing it would only make things worse. "Open up guys, PLEASE!" Crafty said as Bobby had come to the door and gasped at the sight of her partner's faces. "What happened to you both??" As Bobby pulled them inside they began to shout at each other as Bubba watched both of his girlfriends fighting he was afraid to intervene knowing he might be more damaged by them than what the CEO had done. "The CEO had us do voice lines for some stupid cardboard cutouts, and for some reason he had to make us scream, but he needed the screams to sound genuine and real.. so he.." Crafty started to cry as Bubba gently hugged her and kissed her tears away. Crafty was an emotional mess, but Bobby was pissed. "Who the heck does this CEO think he is messing with MY partners for some stupid cardboard cutout things?!" she screams as she walks over to Bubba and Crafty and gently hugs them both as the both end up sobbing into her shoulders, she stands there hugging them both as Picky, and Frowny both watch and Catnap is curled up on the floor looking upset and very broken knowing he might have lost Moonlight to a crazy plushie version of his best friend... 'wait a minute.. Dogday?!' Catnap jumps up as he seems the scars on Bubba and Crafty's faces he gasps and covers his mouth a bit, but recovers quickly as he looks around for Dogday. "Uh.. did Dogday come back with you?" as he asks that Bubba and Crafty both freeze and stare at each other with worried expressions. "We need to go and save him from the CEO... he told us to let you all know that he loves us, and that he may not be coming back.." as Bubba said this Catnap's heart broke in two. "We have to go save him from the CEO, right now!" he demands as he runs out of Picky's house, the others following him not even questioning his leadership position.

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